A compendious treatise entituled, De re militari containing principall orders to be obserued in martiall affaires. VVritten in the Spanish tongue, by that worthie and famous captaine, Luis Gutierres de la Vega, citizen of Medina del Campo. And newlie translated into English, by Nicholas Lichefild.
Gutierrez de la Vega, Luis, b. ca. 1509., Lichefield, Nicholas,

¶Of the order that doth appertaine to the com∣panie or companies of Vangarde, Battaile, or Reregard. Cap. 32.

VNto the Tierces or Companies of Van∣gard, Battaile or Reregard, doth apper∣taine to haue consideration, that to those that were one daye of the Vangard doth belong the next daye the Reregard, and vnto them that were of the Reregarde this daye, to morrow doth appertaine the Battaile, and in this sort shall they march from daye to daye, or in ma∣king Squadron, so that in this wise no tierce shall be a∣grauiated. And the selfe same order that ye Sergeant Ma∣ior shall kéepe in all the Tierces, which by him shall be ordained, the other Sergeants shall kéepe among theyr Companye perticularly. For when they shall ordayne, they may knowe the place, that vnto each Companye doth appertaine, either of Vangard or Battaile.