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Title:  A compend of the controversies of religion wherin the trueth is confirmed, and errour convinced, by authoritie of Scripture, witnessing of antiquitie, and confession of partie. Most necessary for all, in this backe-slyding age. By W.G. minister of God's word.
Author: Guild, William, 1586-1657.
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§. 6. That Christian People (for whom Christ shed His Blood) should not be defrau∣ded of the Cup, which is called, The Communion there-of.1. Authoritie of Scripture.MAtth. 26.27.And taking the Cup, he gaue thanks, and gaue it to them, saying, Drinke ye all of this.Note, That where-as Hee sayeth on∣lie of the Bread, Eate yee, Hee speaketh more expresselie of the Cuppe, saying, Drinke yee all; that none should bee ex∣cepted.1. Cor. 10.16.The Cuppe of Blessing, which wee blesse, is it not the communion of the Bloode of Christ?I aske then, Where-fore hinder the Popish Clergie their People, from so comfortable a Communion? seeing the Precept of Drinking, must belong to them, to whom the reason of the Pre∣cept most belongeth, which is the com∣fort of remission of sinnes, and the re∣membrance of Christ Iesus passion, 1. Cor. 11.25. If therefore people should ap∣ply the one, and remember the other, 0