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Title:  A looking glasse for the court. Composed in the Castilian tongue by the Lorde Anthony of Gueuarra Bishop of Mondouent, and chronicler to the Emperour Charles. And out of Castilian drawne into Frenche by Anthony Alaygre. And out of the French tongue into Englishe by Sir Fraunces Briant Knight one of the priuy Chamber, in the raygne of K. Henry the eyght.
Author: Guevara, Antonio de, Bp., d. 1545?
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put in my mouth, & haue talked aloude to my self alone, as it had béen one that had béen mad? O how often hath chaū∣ced me that in comming from the coun¦sail wery, or from the palaice thought∣full, I would not heare mine owne ser∣uauntes speake, nor dispatch such as I had to doe withall? O how many times haue I béen so drowned in busines, that I could not moderate my pensiuenes, although my frendes did counsail mee to the cōtrary? O alas, how many times hath my mynde pressed me to leaue the court and the worlde, and to yelde my selfe to some solitary desert, as an He∣remite? because I saw the king auaūce him and him, and I put backe as a per∣son halfe desperate.Moreouer to fulfill my trauailes, al∣waies I went asking & serching newes of the affayres of the court: alwayes harkening what one said of another: al∣wayes spying and watching: and all this considered, I founde by myne ac∣compt, that I liued in heauynes, capti∣uitie, and state of damnacion.0