The xxx. day.
ANd in the xxx. Day of the Moone, Samuell the Prophete, was borne, whatsoeuer thou wilte doe is good, a dreame that appeareth to thee certayne, and within ii. dayes
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ANd in the xxx. Day of the Moone, Samuell the Prophete, was borne, whatsoeuer thou wilte doe is good, a dreame that appeareth to thee certayne, and within ii. dayes
thou shalte see, and thou shalte fynde a red sygne in the East, within ix. dayes. A chylde borne shalbe of long lyfe and profytable, and well measured in eche thing. A syck man shal nigh come to deth, in no ma¦ner let no blud. These and many other pertaineth to men after as the course of the moone fo∣loweth.