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That the sole cause of the decay and slackening of Charitie, is in the creaturs will. CHAPTER. V.
1. AS it were a most wicked impudencie, to attribute the works of holy loue done by the holy ghost, in, and with vs to the strength of our will; so were it a shamelesse impietie, to lay the defect of loue in vngratfull men, on the want of heauenly assistance and grace. For the holy Ghost cries in euery place to the contrarie, that our ruine is from our selues: that our Sauiour brought the fire of loue and desires nothing but that it should burne our hearts: That saluation is prepared before the face of all nations, light to lighten the gentiles, and for the glorie of Israel. That the diuine goodnesse would haue none to perish but that all come to the knowledge of truth, that all be saued, their Sauiour being come into the world, that euery one might receiue the adoption of children: And the wiseman doth clea∣rely aduertise vs. Saie not, it stikes of God: And the sacred Concell of Trēt, doth inculcate diuine∣ly to all the children of the holy Church, that the Grace of God is neuer awāting, to such as doe what they can, inuoking the diuine assistance. That God doth neuer abandon such as he hath once iustified, vnlesse they abandon him first. So