Lavv, or, a discourse thereof in foure bookes. Written in French by Sir Henrie Finch Knight, his Maiesties Serieant at Law. And done into English by the same author.

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Lavv, or, a discourse thereof in foure bookes. Written in French by Sir Henrie Finch Knight, his Maiesties Serieant at Law. And done into English by the same author.
Finch, Henry, Sir, d. 1625.
London :: Printed [by Adam Islip] for the Societie of Stationers,

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Law -- England -- Early works to 1800.
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"Lavv, or, a discourse thereof in foure bookes. Written in French by Sir Henrie Finch Knight, his Maiesties Serieant at Law. And done into English by the same author." In the digital collection Early English Books Online 2. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed October 31, 2024.



Magn̄ Chart. 35. The sherife shall make his turne throughout the Hundred but twice a yeare, that is to say, once after Easter, and againe after Michaelmas. And the view of frankpledge shall be made as she turne of Michaelmas.

31. E. 3. cap 14. Stat. 1. The turne must be yearly, once within a moneth after Ea∣ster, and another time within a moneth af∣ter Michaelmas: if they hold them in ano∣ther manner, they shal loose their turne for the time.

1. E. 3. cap: 17. Endictments in Sherifes turnes must be by Rols indented, one part to remaine with the enditors, the other with the sherife.

1. E. 4. cap. 2. vpon endictments and pre∣sentments taken before Sherifes, or their ministers, at their turnes, or Lawdayes, they shall not attach, arrest, or imprison, nor leuie any fine, or amerciament of any person so indited (or presented) but shall

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deliuer the same enditements or present∣ments to the Iustices of peace of the same Countie, at their next Sessions, who shall proceed thereupon, as if they were taken before them.

1. Ric. 3. cap. 4. None shall bee returned vpon pannell of enquirie of the Sherifes turne, but men of good name and fame, ha∣uing within the same freehold land to the yearely value of xx. s. or copie land to the yearely value of xxvj. s. viij. d. and euery en∣ditement otherwise taken shall be void.

The Coroners Court, is a Court for * 1.1 matters of the Crowne. Batterie, mayme, rape, murder, &c.


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