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Title:  An harborovve for faithfull and trevve subiectes agaynst the late blowne blaste, concerninge the gouernme[n]t of vvemen. wherin be confuted all such reasons as a straunger of late made in that behalfe, with a breife exhortation to obedience. Anno. M.D.lix.
Author: Aylmer, John, 1521-1594.
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not rule is not vniuersall, Ergo, it is not naturall. If to rule in women be vnnaturall: then not to rule, is naturall. But not to rule is not vniuersall. Ergo it is not natural. That it is not vniuersal we haue proued by a great number of histories which testify that we∣men in al ages, and all countries, haue gouerned. A∣gain what so euer is naturall hath in the mind of mā as that there is a God, all menne haue it in their mindes ingrafted by nature, that al societies must be ruled and ordered by magistrates and lawes: that murder is wicked and against nature. &c. which be common opinions in the table of mannes minde, written by the finger of God, with the pen of nature: but of this (that only men must rule and not women when it pleaseth God) there is no such principle vni∣uersal in mens mindes. For you see that a number of countries, decree the contrary, wherefore it can not be said, that it fighteth with nature: But you will re∣ply vpon me thus peraduenture: Nature hathe made her a subiect, Ergo, she can not rule. I deny your ar∣gument, for nature hath made the childe and the ser∣uāt subiects. And yet they may rule as Fabius sōne: and the Kinges seruaunt may be my master, where∣for you must vnderstand the argument thus, that if nature haue made her a subiect: in that state she is a subiect, and in respect of them to whome she is sub∣iect: she can not be their ruler. As a thilde in the du∣tie of a childe towarde his father, is his fathers sub∣iect And a seruaunt in respecte of his master and the duty of a seruaunt, can not be his masters heade. But in respect of Ciuil pollicie, the sonne bearing office, 0