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Title:  Christianity abused by the Church of Rome, and popery shewed to be a corruption of it being an answer to a late printed paper given about by papists : in a letter to a gentleman / by J.W.
Author: Williams, John, 1636?-1709.
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Christianity. This indeed is Apostasie with a Wit∣ness; but as it is no more than a Branch or particular kind of it, so it can be no compleat or true definition of it. It being just as if he should say, that Theft is the violent and forcible taking away of another Man's Goods; which indeed is the highest degree of it, and what we usually call Robbery; but there are other sorts of Theft besides; and though it be never so surreptitiously and clande∣stinely done, it is as well Theft, and a breach of the Eighth Commandment as the other. So it is in the present case; the highest degree of Apostasie is a renouncing the very name of Christian, the turn∣ing a Renegado, a Turk, or Jew: But that is Apo∣stasie also, when there is a departure from the Faith of Christ, or from any great Article or Articles of it. And so far a person may be truly an Apostate, and yet retain the Name and Title to Christianity. I must confess, I always took those to be Apostates, whom the Apostle speaks of, 1 Tim. 4. 1. that de∣part from the Faith of Christ, who yet seem to have continued in the profession of it. And I am apt to believe Antichrist will be thought an Apostate; and yet it's the Opinion of many among themselves, that he shall retain the name of Christian. But if this will not do, I must refer him to the Bulla Coenae of Paul the Fifth, where its said in the first Article of it, Excommunicamus, &c. We Excommunicate and anathematize, &c. all Hussites, Wicklevists, Luthe∣rans, Zuinglians, Calvinists, Hugonots, Ana∣baptists, Trinitarians, & à Christianâ side Apostatas, ac omnes & singulos alios Haereticos, &c. and all Apo∣states 0