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Title:  [T]o the right noble, right excellent [and] vertuous prince George duc of Clarence Erle of warwyk and of salisburye, grete chamberlayn of Englond [and] leutenant of Irelond oldest broder of kynge Edward by the grace of god kynge of England and of frau[n]ce, your most humble seruant william Caxton amonge other of your seruantes sendes vnto you peas. helthe. ioye and victorye vpon your enemyes ...
Author: Jacobus, de Cessolis, fl. 1288-1322
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And that we were first formed and toke oure begyn∣nyng of the erthe / the same wyse at the laste. she shall be the ende vnto alle vs and to alle thynges / And god that formed vs of the erthe hath ordeyned that by the la∣boure of men she shold gyue nourysshyng vnto alle that lyueth / and first the labourer of ye erthe ought to knowe his god that formed and made heuen & erthe of nought And ought to haue loyaulte and trouth in hym self / and despise deth for to entende to his laboure And he ought to gyue thankyngis to hym that made hym And of whom he receyueth alle his goodes temporall / wherof his lyf is susteyned / And also he is bounden to paye the dismes and tythes of alle his thynges And not as Cayin dyde. But as Abell dyde of the beste that he chese out allway for to gyue to god & to plese hym / For they that grucche and be greuyd in that they rendre and gyue to god the tienthes of her goodes / they ought to be aferd and haue drede that they shall falle in necessite And yt they might be dispoyllyd or robbed by warre or by tempeste that myght falle or happen in the contrey And hit is meruayll though hit so happen For that man that is disagreable vnto god And weneth yt the multiplynge of his goodes temporell cometh by the vertu of his owne coūceyll and his wytte / the whiche is made by the only ordenance of hym that made alle And by the same ordenance is soone taken away fro hym that is disagreable / and hit is reson that whan a man haboundeth by fortune in goodes / And knoweth not god / by whom hit cometh / that to hym come some other fortune by the whiche he may requyre grace and pardon And to knowe his god / And we rede of the kynge Dauid that was first symple & one of the comyn 0