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Title:  Ar't asleepe husband? A boulster lecture; stored with all variety of witty jeasts, merry tales, and other pleasant passages; extracted, from the choicest flowers of philosophy, poesy, antient and moderne history. Illustrated with examples of incomparable constancy, in the excellent history of Philocles and Doriclea. By Philogenes Panedonius.
Author: Brathwaite, Richard, 1588?-1673.
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Paradise,Bern. the place of all delicacy. Iudas in the World, from the Schoole of our Saviour, the Seed-plot of all Sanctity. In one word, are ye Maids? you have your patterne in a Doras. Are ye Wifes? you have your pat∣terne in an Esther. Are ye Widdowes? you have your patterne in a Iudith. These, though dead, their memories live: and by their lifes prescribe you how to live; that living as they liv'd, and doing as they did, your memories may live when you are dead. And so I descend from their Modest De∣fence, well becomming Creatures of such di∣vine Excellence, to their Witty Aphorismes, Apothegmes and Answers; which I shall illustrate in sundry choice and select in∣stances. 0