1607 Lamentable newes out of Monmouthshire in VVales Contayning, the wonderfull and most fearefull accidents of the great ouerflowing of waters in the saide countye, drowning infinite numbers of cattell of all kinds, as sheepe, oxen, kine and horses, with others: together with the losse of many men, women and children, and the subuersion of xxvi parishes in Ianuary last 1607.
- Title
- 1607 Lamentable newes out of Monmouthshire in VVales Contayning, the wonderfull and most fearefull accidents of the great ouerflowing of waters in the saide countye, drowning infinite numbers of cattell of all kinds, as sheepe, oxen, kine and horses, with others: together with the losse of many men, women and children, and the subuersion of xxvi parishes in Ianuary last 1607.
- Publication
- London :: Printed [by Edward Allde] for W[illiam] W[elby] and are to be solde in Paules Church yarde at the signe of the Grey-hound,
- [1607]
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- Subject terms
- Monmouthshire (Wales) -- History -- Flood, 1607 -- Early works to 1800.
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"1607 Lamentable newes out of Monmouthshire in VVales Contayning, the wonderfull and most fearefull accidents of the great ouerflowing of waters in the saide countye, drowning infinite numbers of cattell of all kinds, as sheepe, oxen, kine and horses, with others: together with the losse of many men, women and children, and the subuersion of xxvi parishes in Ianuary last 1607." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. https://name.umdl.umich.edu/a07627.0001.001. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed October 13, 2024.
- title page
- To the Reader.
Wofull newes from Wales. Or The lamentable losse of diuers Villages and Parishes (by a strange and wonderfull Floud) within the Countye of
Monmouth inWales; Which hapned inIanu∣ary last past 1607. whereby a great num∣ber of his Maties . Subjectes, Inhabiting in those partes, are vtterlye vndone.