Votivæ Angliæ, Englands complaint to their king:, or, The humble desires of all the zealous and true-hearted Protestants in this kingdome, for a speedy and happy reformation of abuses in church government, being the onely meanes to remove these distractions, and to avert the judgement of God from us. : As they were expressed in sundry petitions, remonstrances and letters, lately presented from them to the king, upon sundry occasions.
Spencer, John, 1601-1671.

A Copie of a Letter to a vertuous Gentlewoman greatly afflicted in minde, which it pleased God to give unto her great comfort.

BLessed be God even the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort, which comforteth us in all our tribulations, that we might be able to comfort them that are in any affliction by the com∣fort where with wee our selves are are comforted of God: and humbly I beseech that gratious Lord that he will vouchsafe for his deare sonne Iesus Christ his sake to open your eyes that you may behold those unspeakeable mercies and com∣forts that he will in his appointed time give unto all those that do fear his holy name and call upon him faithfully. Cosen I have lately receaved, your letter wherein you doe acknowledge that when I was with you it pleased God you found some comfort, praised be his holy name for it, but since you have been very ill and so remaine, some causes you shew for the same, because you cannot be assured of the favour of God towards you, the reasons that you alledge, because you finde so small comfort in prayer and in hearing of the word. Secondly be∣cause Page  68 of your fearful temptations both past and still continuing: these as I take it are your chief reasons, & being rightly understood they wil prove so many sound arguments, to prove that you never had so good cause to rest assured of Gods favour towards you, nor ever had so many testimonies of his ever∣lasting mercyes towards you as you have now, that afflictions, chastisements and temptations are the signes of Gods favour, and the markes of his chil∣dren, I pray consider what the holy Apostle saith Hebrews the 12. the 5. the 6. my son despise not the chastening of the Lord neither faint when thou art rebuked of him, for whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and he scourgeth every son that he re∣ceiveth: and mark how he concludes in the eight verse, if therefore ye be without correction, where∣of all are partakers, then are ye bastards and not sonnes, is it not strange that you should vex and torment your self, because the divell cannot prove you a bastard, but it may be you may say it is not thus in your iudgement, but then know that it is not fit for you to be a Judge in you own cause, but submit your selfe unto the Judgement of Gods word, which is the word of truth. And beleeve his holy Apostles that knew how to iudge in those cases better then you, and they will testifie that we have cause rather to reioyce then any wise to be discouraged with afflictions and temptations: Saint Peter 1. 2 My brethren count it exceeding ioy when ye fall into temptations, and the blessed Apostle Saint Paul when he was tempted and grie∣vously buffeted by Sathan, for the which thing he besought the Lord thrice that it might depart from Page  69 him, but what was he presently released? no but re∣ceaved this answere from the Lord, and he said un∣to me my grace is sufficient for thee, for my power is made perfect through weaknesse, and what was the blessed man dismayed with this answer or con∣cluded as you would do that he was out of the fa∣vour of God because his prayer was not granted? no such matter but rather doth conclude greater comfort and assurance, very gladly therefore saith he, will I rejoyce in my infirmities that the power of Christ may dwell in me therefore I take plea∣sure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in anguish for Christ sake, for when I am weake then am I strong, thus you may see how the Apostle out of Daniel gathereth matter of com∣fort, and out of his own weaknes encreaseth great strength of faith, and thus must you do in these fearfull temptations not so much as cast your eyes upon your own weaknesse, nor upon the strength and power of your malitious enemy, but you must looke up with the eye of faith unto our blessed Sa∣viour Iesus Christ who is in the highest heavens, and whose grace is sufficient for us, and he it is who hath triumphed over sin, death and damnation, and hath tramped underfoot all the enemyes of our salvation: and therfore with the holy Prophet say, The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom then shall I fear? the Lord is the strength of my life, of whom then shall I be afraid?

Now concerning your discomfort in hearing the word, because you take so small comfort in the promises, and are so much terrified with the judge∣ments, This I take it proceeds partly from the er∣rour Page  70 of your judgment in misse-aplying the same, and partly from the malice of Sathan who ever∣more labours to drive us into extremities either with Eve not to fear the iudgements of God at all, or else with Cain to thinke our punishment greater then we can beare, but even from your weaknesse, and from Sathans malice doth the Lord draw out that which may tend to his glory, and to your great comfort, and hereby I trust he hath broken up the fallow grounds of your heart and brought you to godly sorrow for your sins so that I do assure my selfe, within this short time of your afflictions; more repentant teares have been put up into the Lords bottle then in many yeers before, & account not this as a small blessing nor passe it over with a slight thankfulnesse, but take speciall notice of it, assure your selfe, this faire will not last all the yeer, and the time will come when you will desire to see these teares of contrition and shall not see them, no though you seek them with fasting and prayer, and that you may the better conceave how blessed their estate is that have a contrite heart and sorrowfull spirit, I pray consider of that wonderfull comfort∣able promise of the Lord, Isaiah. 57. 15. For thus saith he that is high and excellent, that inhabiteth eter∣nity, whose name is the holy one, I dwell in the high and holy place, with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit to revive the spirit of the humble and to give life unto them that are of a contrite heart, who would think themselves most happy that had a heart fit to enter∣taine that glorious guest, thus likewise doth the ho∣ly prophet testifie Psal. 34. 13. The Lord is near un∣to them that are of a contrite heart and will save Page  71 such as are afflicted in spirit and our blessed Saviour in whose mouth was no guile, he saith blessed are they that mourn for they shall be comforted, and in the 16 of S. Iohn verse the 20 Verily, verily I say unto you ye shall weepe and lament, and the world shall reioyce, and ye shall sorrow, but your sorrow shall be turn∣ed into ioy, a woman when she travelleth hath sorrow be∣cause her hower is come, but assoone as she is delivered of the childe she remembreth no more the anguish for ioy a man is borne into the world, and you now therefore are in sorrow, but I will see you again and your heart shall re∣ioyce and your ioy, shall no man take from you. Thus you may see this godly sorrow, is but as the throes of our spirituall birth in Christ, which although it may be somewhat grievous for a time yet when we see our selves thereby borne againe of water, and the spirit, and so made able to enter into the King∣dome of heaven, oh how ioyfull and comfortable should this make us to be, many would with Zebe∣dees sons sit one at the right hand, the other at the left hand of our Saviour Christ in his kingdome, but they are loth to tast of this cup, but let us know assuredly that as he is entred into his Kingdome of glory, through many tribulations, so must we fol∣low him thorow many tribulations if ever we will come there; you are now in the way be not weary of well doing, nor turn not backe till you come to that holy resting place, and that you may finish your course with ioy and comfort, be diligent in prayer, and observe a constant course therein even∣ing and morning and at noone dayes, and as often as you finde your affliction to presse and oppresse your soule, then make your mone unto your merci∣full Page  72 God and powre out your soules before him, and especially bewaile wicked thoughts and vaine lusts where withall you heretofore so mnch de∣lighted your selfe, and labour to mourn in secret for them, and likewise all other secret sins, and that your prayers may be more fervent, adde thereunto the holy use of moderate fasting, and this I trust through the Lords mercy, you shall finde an excel∣lent meanes to recover your selfe unto your spiri∣tuall chearfulnesse again, and be not discouraged from these holy exercises though Sathan strive ne∣versomuch to vex and terrifie you: nay though you feare the Lord is angry with you, nay though you knew that assuredly, yet pray with the Psasmist. Psal. 80. 5. O Lord God of hosts how long wilt thou be angry against the prayer of thy people.

Secondly having in this holy manner recomend∣ed your soule and body unto God in prayer waite upon him with a quiet minde, assuring your selfe that now the Lord is to take care of you and there∣fore cast your care upon him, and so with a setled resolution dispose of your selfe unto some profi∣table imployments fitting for your calling, and this course the Prophet David tooke Psal. the 5. 3. Heare my voyce in the morning, O Lord, for in the mor∣ning wil I direct me unto thee, and I will wait: and what good successe those have that do thus attend, we may read in the Psalm. 147. 11. But the Lord delight∣eth in them that fear him and attend upon his mercy.

Thirdly labour for meeknesse of heart and an humble spirit, for where this grace is in some rea∣sonable manner attayned there the heart of afflicti∣on doth breake away apace, and the danger there∣of Page  73 of is little to be feared, for our blessed Saviour hath pronounced a double blessednesse unto such Matthew the 5. Blessed are the poore in spirit for theirs is the Kingdom of heaven, blessed are the meeke for they shall inherit the earth. And the want thereof hath dri∣ven many in their desperate fury, to loose their in∣heritance both in heaven and earth.

Fourthly take heed of moderate greife, and vio∣lent passions, which at this time is very unseason∣able, though easily fallen into; and therefore watch over your own heart diligently and doe not enter∣taine so much as a sorrowfull sigh into your heart except it be for your sin, nor an impatient word into your lippes except it be when you see God dishonoured, and then speake zealously and spare not: and furthermore you must be contented to be admonished of these infirmities by your Christian friends with whom you do converse, for it may be they may discerne these things amisse in you when you doe not discerne it in your selfe being over∣whelmed with the pleasing humour of Sottish melancholy.

Lastly, that you may well remember it, you must by all meanes possible strive to serve the Lord with a cheerfull heart and a willing minde, for the Lord loveth a chearfull giver, and especially in matters of his holy worship: therefore when you come to hear his holy word, to fast, to pray, to re∣ligious conference or any other holy duty, strive to doe it chearefully, and to reioyce even in your very teares, for I can tell you that is a good cause to make both you and others reioyce it; may be you thinke it strange, but read what Saint Paul saith to Page  74 his intirely beloved Timothcus and then I hope you will say I am in the right, desiring to see thee mind∣full of thy teares that I might be filled with ioy. 2. of Timothy the 1. 6. And for neglect of this du∣ty the Lord doth threaten many heavy Judge∣ments against the children of Israel, Deut. 28. 47. Because thou servest not thy Lord thy God with ioyfulnesse and a good heart for the abundance of all things there∣fore thou shalt serve thine enemies which the Lord shall send uppon thee, in hunger, and in thirst, and in nakednes, and in need of all things. And thus according to my simple understanding I have satisfied your request in setting down some directions humbly beseech∣ing that mighty and glorious God who giveth wisdome to the simple, and worketh great effects by weak meanes to give such a blessing unto my poor endeavours that his great power may be seen in my weaknesse, that you may finde such comfort to your soule, and such peace to your conscience, that hereafter you may tell unto others the great mercies that the Lord hath shewed unto you in the dayes of your afliction; and therefore say with the Prophet, loe this is our God we have waited for him and he will save us, this is the Lord we have waited for him we will rejoyce and be joyfull in his salvation. Amen Lord Jesus. Amen.

From him that would willingly exchange some of his comforts for some of your sorrows, and some of his best delights for some your repentant teares. Iohn Spencer.