The vvitty rogue arraigned, condemned, & executed. Or, The history of that incomparable thief Richard Hainam. Relating the several robberies, mad pranks, and handsome jests by him performed, as it was taken from his own mouth, not long before his death. Likewise the manner of robbing the King of Denmark, the King of France, the Duke of Normandy, the merchant at Rotterdam, cum multis aliis. Also, with his confession, concerning his robbing of the King of Scots. Together with his speech at the place of execution. / Published by E.S. for information & satisfaction of the people.

The vvitty rogue arraigned, condemned, & executed. Or, The history of that incomparable thief Richard Hainam. Relating the several robberies, mad pranks, and handsome jests by him performed, as it was taken from his own mouth, not long before his death. Likewise the manner of robbing the King of Denmark, the King of France, the Duke of Normandy, the merchant at Rotterdam, cum multis aliis. Also, with his confession, concerning his robbing of the King of Scots. Together with his speech at the place of execution. / Published by E.S. for information & satisfaction of the people.
E. S.
London :: printed for E.S. and are to be sold at the Greyhound in St. Paul's Church-yard.,

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Subject terms
Hannam, Richard, d. 1656.
Brigands and robbers -- England -- Early works to 1800.
Executions and executioners -- England -- Early works to 1800.
Last words -- Early works to 1800.
Suicide victims -- Early works to 1800.
Thieves -- Early works to 1800.
Swindlers and swindling -- England -- Early works to 1800.
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"The vvitty rogue arraigned, condemned, & executed. Or, The history of that incomparable thief Richard Hainam. Relating the several robberies, mad pranks, and handsome jests by him performed, as it was taken from his own mouth, not long before his death. Likewise the manner of robbing the King of Denmark, the King of France, the Duke of Normandy, the merchant at Rotterdam, cum multis aliis. Also, with his confession, concerning his robbing of the King of Scots. Together with his speech at the place of execution. / Published by E.S. for information & satisfaction of the people." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed July 26, 2024.


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