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Title:  Truth triumphing over falshood, antiquity over novelty. Or, The first part of a just and seasonable vindication of the undoubted ecclesiasticall iurisdiction, right, legislative, coercive power of Christian emperors, kings, magistrates, parliaments, in all matters of religion, church-government, discipline, ceremonies, manners: summoning of, presiding, moderating in councells, synods; and ratifying their canons, determinations, decrees: as likewise of lay-mens right both to sit and vote in councells; ... In refutation of Mr. Iohn Goodwins Innocencies Triumph: my deare brother Burtons Vindication of churches, commonly called Independent: and of all anti-monarchicall, anti-Parliamentall, anti-synodicall, and anarchicall paradoxes of papists, prelates, Anabaptists, Arminians, Socinians, Brownists, or Independents: whose old and new objections to the contrary, are here fully answered. / By William Prynne, of Lincolnes Inne, Esquire.
Author: Prynne, William, 1600-1669.
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et Abusus Curiae Romanae p. 14. to 27. by the resolutions of divers French Councels, Synods, and Edicts of Parliament, cited by Laurentius Bochellus, Decreta Eccles. Gal. l. 5. Tit. 20. cap. 17. 19, 20, 21. 29. 33, 34, 35. 38, 39. 41. 43, 44, 45, 46. & by the Code of the Liberty of the French Church (there quoted) resolving in these positive termes. Soliti sunt ab omni aeuo Reges Christianissimi, pro ratione rerum quae in Regno suo accidunt, habere Synodos, aut Concilia Provincialia aut Nationalia, in quibus inter alia ad statum Regni perti∣nontia, agitur etiam de Rebus ordinem & Disciplinam Ecclesiarum Regni sui spectantibus. Unde Regulae innumerae, Capitula, Leges, Ordinationes & Pragmaticae Sanctiones eorum Nominibus inscriptae prodierunt. Yea theirRelect. 4. p. 161.Franciscus Victoria holds, that at this day in certain cases a generall Councell may be called a∣gainst the Popes minde, by the Emperor and Christian Princes, whether hee will or no. But although some Parasites of the Popes universall Monarchy, endeavour to entitle him to this prerogative royall of Christian Princes, to summon Synods and Councels, (contrary to the Resolutions of these and infinite other Popish Authors, and the practise of most popish Realmes) yet none of them entitle any other Bishops or Prelates to it but the Pope alone, unlesse it be by some speciall derivation from the Pope as his Legate; so that Bishops cannot claime this power by any immediate inherent right, but by a dirivative power onely, either from the Pope or Christian Princes: and from the Pope, no English Prelates, Ministers can, or dare derive it. Thirdly, to proceed to our own English Synods and Councels, wee shall finde that the right of summoning them and of our Convocations hath al∣wayes beene an indubitable Prerogative of our Christian Kings or Parlia∣ments, which I shall manifest. First by presidents. Secondly by Parliamen∣tory resolutions. Thirdly by the Doctrine, Articles, and Writers of our Church. Fourthly by the determination of King James, King Charles, and our late Convocations.To begin first with Presidents, both before and since the Conquest: The great Bela Eccles. Hist. l. 1. c. 17. & 21. Matth. Westm. An. 449. 465. Spelmanni Concil. p. 48, 49 60.Synod held at verolam Anno 446, to suppresse the Pelagian heresie; with ano∣ther great Councell after that Anno 449, to like purpose; and the Councell of Wales Anno 465, were summoned by the Kings and Peoples joint assents who to∣gether with the Clergie were present and voted in them. TheSpelmanui Concil. p. 104 Matth. West. An. 603. Beda ccles. Aist. l. 2. c. 2 Antiq. Eccl. Brit. p. 3. Speeds Chron p. 286.Synod of Wor∣cester, and at Augustines Oke, under Augustine the first Arch-bishop of Canter∣bury Anno 603. was called Ethelberti Regis ope & auxilio, by the assistance or summons of King Ethelbert; adjutorio usus Edelberti Regis, write some. So was theSpelman. p. 126, 127.Councell held at Canterbury Anno 605 in which both the Clergy and people were present. TheBeda Eccles. Hist. l. 3. c. 21. Spelman. p. 14.Synod of Streneshalch An. 664. under Oswy King of Northumberland, and Alchfrid his Son, who weee present at it, was sum∣moned by their appointment, to decide the controversie, concerning the time of Easter, and other differences, Anno 693 KingWillielmus Malms. De Ge∣st Pontif. l. 3. Antiqu. Eccles. . p. 18. 19.Alfrick Synodum Episcopo∣rum convocari fecit, caused a Synod of Bishops to be called together. Anno 694, 0