Medicina magnetica: or, The rare and wonderful art of curing by sympathy: laid open in aphorismes; proved in conclusions; and digested into an easy method drawn from both: wherein the connexion of the causes and effects of these strange operations, are more fully dicovered than heretofore. All cleared and confirmed, by pithy reasons, true experiments, and pleasant relations.
Irvine, Christopher, fl. 1638-1685.
The simple Pouder.

TAke what quantity you think fit of Alcaleadis Romani, and after first dissolution in clear Spring-water, then filtration through gray paper, with evaporation on a clear fire, and coagulation in a fit place: And all these opera∣tions so oft reiterated, till being purged from its drosse, its clear greennesse bear witnesse of its purity: beat this into grosse pouder, and expose it to Sun beams, the Sun being in Leo, for the space of three hundred and sixty hours; that is, as some believe, for the space of fifteen or eighteen days, till it be calcin'd into a fine white pouder, which is the surest mark of its right preparation; and therefore is to be kept in the Sun, till it come to this smal∣nesse and colour; though it be longer than the time ap∣pointed. The Sun enters Leo about the twenty fifth day ofPage  100July, 'tis better to begin your operation two or three dayes after, that you may be sure the Sun is in the right Signe. Expose it onely to the Sun in clear and dry dayes; lest if the day be moist or misty, it spoil the Medicine with humidity: Neverthelesse, if after it is fully prepared, it by mischance become moist or liquid, you are with a gentle heat, to reduce it again to its own form. This Pou∣der, being kept in a dry place, endureth many years in its full force and vertue.