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Propositions from Westmerland touchin the Kings Army in the North.
THe enemies of God and this Kingdoms peace are now in arms in our county of Westmerland; after their surprisall of Carlisle they marched into us, and possessed themselves of Appleby, the Gen∣tlemen of our country before their Generall Sir Marmaduke Lang∣••ale his advance, summoned in our county for, and after united wi••h them; their strength at first despicable, is now increased. The Foot generally arrayed and forced Trained Bands of Westmerland and Cumberland. Their Quarters are at Kendale, Kirkby, and the Fron∣tiers of Lancashire: their carriage as well as design full of malig∣nancy which sufficiently evidences the falslnesse of their special pre∣tences; they plunder divers persons (of whom many of us are ex∣amples) well affected to the Parl. notorious malignant Ministers formerly ejected do thrust us from our congregations, advance the Book of Common prayer, erect and use the condemned ceremo∣nies sometimes in fashion of cringing, bowing, &c. resolve to cut off the Parl▪ and their Adherents, if God prevent not, having our hopes very much inlightned by your advance, we are here humbly in reference to the premises to beseech, That as your own tender∣nesse of the Kingdoms peace we are confident doth and will oblige you, you will vouchsafe to send your assistance in this distressed e∣state of the Kingdome, the more speedily the enemy is discounte∣nanced, the lesse danger being likely to fall upon us: the advance and engagement of that Briggade of horse with you, as our onely hopes to see the honest party in the North relieved, and those publike E∣nemies of God brought th punishment: what way to do this, wee dare not presume to advise, if your power may extend to command the Foot of Lancashire, we conceive it would be much for your ad∣vantage; if not so, your conjunction with Gen. Lamberts horse may be a more facile and speedy way of deliverance, if it may be ap∣poin••ed upon our Borders, To this we have these encouragements,