A description of new philosophical furnaces, or A new art of distilling, divided into five parts. Whereunto is added a description of the tincture of gold, or the true aurum potabile; also, the first part of the mineral work. Set forth and published for the sakes of them that are studious of the truth.
Glauber, Johann Rudolf, 1604-1670., French, John, 1616-1657.

Another tincture and medicine of gold.

DIssolve gold in Aqua Regia, precipitate it dissolved in li∣quor of the salt of flints, powre some part of the afore∣said liquor to the precipitated gold, then place them in sand to boyle for some hours space, and that liquor of flints shall extract the tincture of gold, and shall be dyed with a purple Page  273 colour; to which powre in rain water, and make it to boyle to∣gether with that purple liquor, and the flint shall be precipita∣ted, the tincture of an excellent colour with salt of Tartar left; out of which it is necessary to extract water even to drought, and a very fine salt of a purple colour will remaine in the bottome of the glass, out of which with the spirit of wine may be drawn in a tincture as red as blood, little inferi∣or in strength to potable gold; for many things lye hid in this purple salt, of which more things might be spoken if occasion permitted; therefore let it suffice to shew the way of destroying gold, for that golden salt can in a very short time, viz. an houre, be perfected with small labor and transmuted into miracle of nature; confuting the slanders of the noble art of Alchimy; for which gift we ought to give immortal thanks to immortal God.