A defence of A treatise against superstitious Iesu-worship, falsely called scandalous, against the truely scandalous answer of the parson of Westminston in Sussex. Wherein also the whole structure of his Antiteichisma, so farre as it concernes the po[i]nt in controversie is overthrowne, the truth more fully cleared, and the iniquitie of that superstition more throughly detected. By M.G. the author of the former treatise, published Anno Dom. 1642
Giles, Mascall, 1595 or 6-1652.


HEre I affirme, that to understand this phrase in the Name of Jesus to be at the mention of the Name Jesus cannot be paral∣leld in the exposition of the said phrase by any Scripture. In the name prefixed before any title of God; yea I now say before any name whatsoever, can no where beare this sense; first, you deny that you bow at the bare Name Jesus, but of that before, and you give me barbarous language in that I say you under∣stand it at the mention of the Name Jesus: But if you stood not in need of Hellebore (as you say I doe) you would not be so out∣ragious in outfacing the plaine truth; you say (forsooth) at the mention of Jesus, but not at the name Jesus. Who understan∣deth you now? if you bow at the mention of Jesus, it must be done as well at the mention of any other title of Jesus, by which hee Page  20 is denominated. If not at the mention of the name Jesus, why doe you keepe such a stirre about this name? all the world sees that you bow at the mention of this name, and no other; and if you meane it not at the time when this name is mentioned, why doe you it immediately, and not let it alone till some other time? you your selfe say otherwise in this Section 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉 is all one 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉 when Jesus is named; Yea you yeeld at length, and forsooth you say you will overcome mee with my owne weapons, as when I say, Psal. 118. 10. all nations compassed me about, but in the Name of the Lord I will destroy them: would it not be a wild sense, say I, to understand it thus, at the naming of the Lord I will destroy them? You here aske me if I were well when I printed this; for say you, can there be any more intended by In the name of the Lord, then the bringing the Lord into the middest be∣tweene him and his enemies? and is there any other way to doe that then by the faithfull mention of his name? Sir, I was better when I prin∣ted this clause then you, when you answered; it but doe you ex∣pound this Text as you doe, Phil. 2. 9, 10? doth In there signifie time, as you expound it in Phil. 2. and match it with Gen. 1. 1? In here indeed notes the cause, but not time. So that the meaning is this, In the name of the Lord, i.e. by the power and assistance of the Lord I will destroy them: but if you will parallel this place with Phil. 2. 10. as you understand it, you must make the sense to bee this. All nations compassed me about; but when the Lord is mentioned, that is, at the instant time thereof, I will destroy them, as at the very time, when Jesus is mentioned you bow; if this be the meaning of the Psalmist, I see no reason but you must have a Sword, or a Pistoll, or such like with you at the Church, and when the Lord is mentioned, you must fall to killing your ene∣mies; and then when the people say good Lord deliver us, if you have any enemies there, they deliver up themselves into your hands, to be killed, and so you will not bee of Davids minde; for he when his adversaries were against him, gave himselfe to prayers, but when your enemies pray you will kill them. My next Scripture is, Act. 9. 29. Saul spake boldly in the name of the Lord Jesus, I say it would be infinitely absurd to say hee spake boldly at the naming of the Lord Jesus; you cry out against mee and say is this absurd? and infinitely too? we all know that Paul was a zealous professor, and might not he be stout at the mention or naming Page  21 of Jesus? he is stoutly preached, whom we feare to name. Now you cry out where is this great challenger? were I Anteus I should never rise againe: but stay Sir, I am on my legges yet, to buckle with you once, and againe; What, doth In signifie time here, as you wil have it signifie at Phil. 2. 9? Nomen capitur pro professione:

Name is taken for profession. So the sense is this, Paul valiantly defended the cause of Christ;
but if you will have In signifie the present time there, then the sense will be this; Saul preached or spake boldly when Jesus was named, that is, as soone as ever the Name was named, as accordingly you bow. Then it will fol∣low that whensoever you heare Jesus named you must fall to preaching, and then as soone as you come in the Common Booke of Prayer to the absolution, Jesus being named you must fall to preaching, and then you must curtaile almost all the Divine Ser∣vice, and run into that which you judge a great fault in others, goe to your Sermon before you have said the Lords Prayer, or Ca∣nonicall prayer; & though you should make but a short Sermon & returne to your absolution, at the conclusion of it Jesus is named againe, and once more you must goe to preaching before you come to the Lords Prayer; and if you preach every time Jesus is named in the divine service, you will preach oftner in a day then any of those you call Puritans, in a quarter of a yeare at least; and if often preaching bee as you deeme, a note of a Puritane, you will be the rankest Puritane in the world; yea in the absolution Jesus and Lord being both mentioned together, you must preach and kill, all at one time, and this I thinke will bee the maddest Sermon that ever was made. In the next place as if my owne weapons were not enough to strike me dead, you will strike mee with your owne, and what are they? First, you bring the third Commandement, but this phrase in the name is not there. Next you come to Joh. 16. 23. whatsoever you shall aske the Father in my name; that is, say you by faith mentioning me as mediatour. And then you argue, Act. 5. 40. not to speake in the name of Jesus, ei∣ther by preaching, say you, or otherwise to his glory, at our invocation over the name of Iesus is a fruitfull naming, or mentioning of him; not inward∣ly alwayes, but by heart and tongue also alwayes unto God, Ephes. 5. 20. To what purpose is this brought? what frivolous stuffe is here? And yet you having had me downe before in your conceit, now you gall me terribly. But we will examine these places: as for Page  22 Act. 5. 40. it is answered before in Act. 9. 29. being a parallel place, but I adde this further to it, Were the Apostles forbidden to mention the name Jesus? did not their enemies mention Jesus as well as they?

But you adde [to his glory]. But you will have your people bow when you mention Iesus in the Church, but you will not have them question whether you doe it to his glory or no; As for Iob. 16. 23. we are bidden there to pray to the Father in the name of Christ, that is, in and by Christ himselfe, as other places demon∣strate: but I pray Sir, doth In here signifie time? If you under∣stand this place as you doe Phil. 2. the sense will be this, what∣soever you aske of my Father, when Jesus is named; then it will follow that whensoever you heare Iesus named, you must fall to Prayer. And as before this sense of Act. 9. 29. will drive you to preaching in the time of prayer: So here it will drive you to prayer in the time of preaching, if at any time you name Jesus in it;* and what a confusion will this be also?

But to returne againe to these two places, Act. 9. and Ioh. 16. If Master Barton bring Phil. 2. 9. to the meaning of these two pla∣ces as he understands them, he cannot but know that preaching and praying is begun, and continued before and after Jesus is named, and not then begun onely at the instant time of na∣ming of it, for Jesus is named but now and then; then accor∣ding to this you must continue all along your Gesture of bow∣ing, throughout preaching and praying, though the name Je∣sus be seldome mentioned; and then you must neither kneele nor stand, but have your body bowed all the time halfe way to the ground, and then there shall not be any visible appearance of bowing at the name Jesus more then ordinary, then at any other name whatsoever, which may bee named in preaching or prayer: and if any should see you in this posture, continuing halfe bowed to the ground, they would thinke you to be dispo∣sed to another kinde of businesse then preaching or prayer. I ap∣peale here to all the world whether you have not here given your selfe such a shamefull foyle as you will never be able to reco∣ver. My exposition of Psal. 63. 4. you mislike not; but yet it cannot beare your sense of Phil. 2. 9. for though the Saints have used to lift up the hands in prayer, yet I thinke they are not precisely bound to it; and if they were, it is senselesse to gather Page  23 from this or any other place, that they are bound to a new act of lifting up the hands every time the name of God sounds, which sense you must put upon it, if you match it with Phil. 2. 9. you have not proved yet that In the name signifieth any where at the time of mentioning the name, neither can you; here then one maine pillar of your cause is shaken downe.