A bakers-dozen of plain down-right queries, harmlesse and honest: propounded to all that expect benefit from this present power. Wherein is discovered, the bawling, mercinary, accustomed tricks, querks, and quillets of the learned lying, daggle-tayl'd lawyers, crafty atturneys, and subtile solicitors, &c.. [sic] With a description of the Dutch water-rats: and the difference between Spanish pieces of eight, and the babies, pupets and quelchoses of France. By George Gregorie, Gent.
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A bakers-dozen of plain down-right queries, harmlesse and honest: propounded to all that expect benefit from this present power. Wherein is discovered, the bawling, mercinary, accustomed tricks, querks, and quillets of the learned lying, daggle-tayl'd lawyers, crafty atturneys, and subtile solicitors, &c.. [sic] With a description of the Dutch water-rats: and the difference between Spanish pieces of eight, and the babies, pupets and quelchoses of France. By George Gregorie, Gent.
Gregorie, George, gent.
London :: [s.n.],
printed in the year MDCLIX. [1659]
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Law -- England -- Early works to 1800.
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"A bakers-dozen of plain down-right queries, harmlesse and honest: propounded to all that expect benefit from this present power. Wherein is discovered, the bawling, mercinary, accustomed tricks, querks, and quillets of the learned lying, daggle-tayl'd lawyers, crafty atturneys, and subtile solicitors, &c.. [sic] With a description of the Dutch water-rats: and the difference between Spanish pieces of eight, and the babies, pupets and quelchoses of France. By George Gregorie, Gent." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. https://name.umdl.umich.edu/A85681.0001.001. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed October 31, 2024.
descriptionPage 6
IX. (Book 9)
Whether doth it not plaine appear that changes in Go∣vernment are most chargeable to any Common-wealth. And debillitating the poorest sort for want of Trade through the destraction of the Times; is it not therefore honest pollicy to submit to the present power as most fittest to goe on for the Common good, as having most experience by their own and others government, and by consequence abler to avoyd all inconveniences, and whether is it safest to consent on all hands from Ministers or other professing Religion, lest while they bridle not their tongues they speak their Religion vain; That a Lawyer plead not against it, unlesse for a place which he shall loose, the first Fee he takes by all honest mens con∣sent; And whether the Souldiery if they retard it and be not content with their pay, do they not crack an Apostoli∣call command?
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