The doctrine of the bodies fragility: with a divine project, discovering how to make these vile bodies of ours glorious by getting gracious souls. Represented in a sermon preached at Martins Ludgate at the funerall of that worthy and reverend minister of Jesus Christ, Dr. Samuel Bolton, Master of Christ College in Cambridge, who died the 15 of Octob. 1654. and was buried the 19 day of the same month. / By that painfull and pious minister of Gods Word Mr. Edmund Calamy, B.D.

The doctrine of the bodies fragility: with a divine project, discovering how to make these vile bodies of ours glorious by getting gracious souls. Represented in a sermon preached at Martins Ludgate at the funerall of that worthy and reverend minister of Jesus Christ, Dr. Samuel Bolton, Master of Christ College in Cambridge, who died the 15 of Octob. 1654. and was buried the 19 day of the same month. / By that painfull and pious minister of Gods Word Mr. Edmund Calamy, B.D.
Calamy, Edmund, 1600-1666.
London, :: Printed for Joseph Moore over aginst the Pump in Little-Britain, and are to be sold at Westminster, and in Pauls Church-yard,
1655. [i.e. 1654]

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Subject terms
Bolton, Samuel, 1606-1654 -- Early works to 1800.
Bible. -- N.T. -- Philippians III, 21 -- Sermons.
Funeral sermons -- 17th century.
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"The doctrine of the bodies fragility: with a divine project, discovering how to make these vile bodies of ours glorious by getting gracious souls. Represented in a sermon preached at Martins Ludgate at the funerall of that worthy and reverend minister of Jesus Christ, Dr. Samuel Bolton, Master of Christ College in Cambridge, who died the 15 of Octob. 1654. and was buried the 19 day of the same month. / By that painfull and pious minister of Gods Word Mr. Edmund Calamy, B.D." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed July 27, 2024.


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