Ansvvers to severall queries put forth to the despised people called Quakers, by Philip Bennett, who cals himself a minister of Christ, but is found a deceiver; answered by them to whom they were directed. Also, ansvvers to severall other subtil queries put forth by one Iohn Reeve, who lives in the City of London, who cals himself the last messenger and witnesse unto the true God, but is found a false witnesse, and a lyar, and a perverter of the right way of God.
Burrough, Edward, 1634-1662., Howgill, Francis, 1618-1669.

Ans. All who dwell not in this light, which is pure and eternall, are ignorant of God, and never knew God, such judging shall be judged, and by the light which sees and comprehends all darknesse thou art seen, but the spirituall man judgeth all things, and he is judged of none, and all judgement is committed to the Son, and where he imade manifest he speaks, and judgeth righteously, and those men and women who would be asking questions of eternity, and never came to the first prin∣ciple to be guided by it, the light which leads to eternity, all such men and women are in darknesse, and that minde which is in the earth and in the naturals shall never know; and therefore they are judged to be in darknesse, and darknesse cannot comprehend the light, Christ and his Disciples answered and judged that spirit which would have had a sign; and called them adulterers, and which spirit we witnesse to the praise of God; and to thee that put forth the queries, I speak to thee in the pre∣sence of God, whether thou put them forth in simplicity and art ignorant, or would know, or in the pride of thy heart, and subtilty to tempt, the light of Christ will let thee see, but thou art rich and full, therefore thou must be sent empty away, all who queries from that nature that would know, but never come to obedience, that is to be judged, & judgment must thou witness, and for a bitter spirit of envy that shall stand for thy self, and that thou wants spiritual light is made manifest, which curses that which God hath blessed, as I have seen under thy own hand, far remote from this City, and that thou hast cursed them soul and body to all eternity, which thou never heard nor saw, let shame strike thee in the face, and stop thy mouth, for thou cannot put a difference betwixt the precious and the vile, but curses thou knows not what, and speaks to that thou knows not: But as for them who have a desire to know the way to the Father, we are ready to give an answer, and to impart of the gift we have received, and doth not break a bruised reed, but the fat we fed with judgement, and there thou art answered.