Ansvvers to severall queries put forth to the despised people called Quakers, by Philip Bennett, who cals himself a minister of Christ, but is found a deceiver; answered by them to whom they were directed. Also, ansvvers to severall other subtil queries put forth by one Iohn Reeve, who lives in the City of London, who cals himself the last messenger and witnesse unto the true God, but is found a false witnesse, and a lyar, and a perverter of the right way of God.
Burrough, Edward, 1634-1662., Howgill, Francis, 1618-1669.

3 Quer. In thy third particular thou queries, What that angelicall serpent was in his creation, which the Scripture speaks of, and how he came to be cast out of his glo∣ry, and how he overcame innocent Eve, and how he entered into her wombe, and changed her pure seed into his nature of unclean reason? And thou askes, What think you, Was not that man Cain the first murdering, lying devill that ever was? And is there any devill but proud, vain-glorions, unmercifull men and women?

Ans. That same which speaks in thee is that same serpent which the Scripture speaks of, and if thou have the spirit of Moses, thou knowes what he was in the crea∣tion; for Moses saw his creation by that spirit which was before he was, and if thou know his creation in thy self, then thou may know him without thee, but yet he lies under his vail deceiving thee, and is not deceived by thee; and by the same which thou lives in he was cast out of his glory, even disobedience, and he overcame ino∣cent Eve even as he overcomes thee, by promising what he fulfilled not, and by presenting that which was visible, and so her minde was led out, as thine is, and by her consenting, he entered and got power, and set up his habitation, which is now standing in thee, and so she became the likenesse of himself, her minde and lust stayed into the visibles, out from the Creator who is invisible, and spirituall, and she now lives under the curse, and brings forth cursed children, such as thou art who puts forth these queries, and this child was begotten by him who deceived her, and he is the father and prince of all you, who are wells without water, clouds with∣out rain, and wandering starres having no habitations in the heavens, the blackness of darknesse is reserved unto you for ever, ye who speaks great swelling words of va∣nity (that ye are the last witnesses and Messengers, &c.) but you your selves are servants of corruption, and to the last part of thy querie: I answer, before Cain who is a lying devill was a child, he was a father, and if thou hast an ear, thou mayest hear, the proud, vain-glorious, unmercifull men and women, who bears his image Page  13 must with him be tormented in the lake which burneth (by the kindling of the breath of the Almighty) for ever and ever; and here thou art answered, though not to the feeding of thy wisdome, but in the light by which thou art comprehended, which light will eternally condemn thee who hates it.