Ansvvers to severall queries put forth to the despised people called Quakers, by Philip Bennett, who cals himself a minister of Christ, but is found a deceiver; answered by them to whom they were directed. Also, ansvvers to severall other subtil queries put forth by one Iohn Reeve, who lives in the City of London, who cals himself the last messenger and witnesse unto the true God, but is found a false witnesse, and a lyar, and a perverter of the right way of God.
Burrough, Edward, 1634-1662., Howgill, Francis, 1618-1669.

10 Quer. Again he that speaketh of an invisible spirituall God, or Christ living in the consciences or spirit of men, thou sayeth, he questions the truth of all the Scripture re∣cords concerning the life, death, and resurrection, and aseension of the blessed body of Christ into the throne of his immortall glory; and dth he not que••ion whether the consciences of the Saints being sprinkled with the blood of Jesus, which died without the g••es of Je∣rusalem, are purified from the pollution of the flesh and Spirit, doth he not question the resurrection of the souls and bodies out of the eath at the last day.

Ans. Here again, thou hast made thy shae and thy ignorance manifest and knows not so much as the Letter of he Scripture, Paul in Apostle of Jesus Chist, notby the will of man, and Minister of the everlasting God, he witnessed the Son of God revealed in him, and he ••i, knw ye 〈…〉 Christ s in you, or else you are rep•••ates, and hit is no divided, and he tha is joyned to the Lord is ••e Spirit, and 〈◊〉 my Father are one, ••d w•••e Christ dwells the Father dwells, and if thou have •• e•• to hear hou may h•••, and if the •••e Spirit be not in you that raised Christ 〈…〉 he •••d, you are 〈…〉, and he that declared these things speak of a spiiual Christ, and an invi〈…〉 God, and who ••all ascend up to heaven, the word is nigh, in thy mot•• and 〈◊〉 heart, and this is the same Christ that suffered without the gae at Jerusalem, and no other wh••h Paul travel∣led till he was born in them, if thou have an ear thu may hear, and the Apost•• did not question the Scripture records, for they spoke it and recorded it, and thy wit∣nessed the life of Christ, and his death, and resurection, and acnsion, and witnes∣sed him ascended above thrones, and dominions, and to sit at the right hand of the Father, and witnesse the same Christ made manifest in us, and his resurrection, not because Paul said so, we have seen it, and are witnesses of it, the same that ever was, the same that did ascend, the same did ascend; this is a riddle unto thee, and seven seals is upon it, and thou that queries shall never see them opened, and they who had Christ in them, and the Father, the Son supping with them, they had their consci∣ence sprinkled, and none else for his bloud thou knows not, and so I say unto thee, thou art not sprinkled, nor thy conscience purified from dead works, and they who know Christ in them, and no more after the flesh come to know his resurrection, he is the resurrection, he is the first and the last, who knows him risen, and have seen him witnesse the first day and the last, what speaks thou of a last day, that never came to the beginning, and so thy soul lies in death, and in chains, and in utter darknesse and therefore lay thy hand upon thy mouth, and see where thou ••t, Page  17 and the Spirit that gave forth the Scriptures thou cannot witnesse.