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Title:  [A brief treatise containing the most strange and horrible cruelty of Elizabeth Stile alias Rockingham and her confederates, executed at Abingdon, upon R. Galis]
Author: Galis, Richard.
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Magistrates to the contrary which hée denyed to doo without some speciall warrant from ye Maior or the Iustice for his dis∣charge, whervpon I led her before Maister Richard Read∣forth at ye time Maior of Windesor desiring him as he was true Officer to God and to his Prince to giue his warrant to the Iaylor for the better saue keeping of this Witch héer bro∣ught by mee before him, who for her deuilish Sorceries and enchauntments cruelly practised vpon diuers honest men de∣seruēth not to liue, affirming that if I could not prooue her by sufficient tryall to be a weed woorthye of plucking vp: I would receiue such punishment as might be to all (attemp∣ting the like either against man or woman) a good ensample but he being belike as a great number be now a dayes ye more pittie, and I would to God it may be amended, mistrusting her deuilish practises and fearing least some mischief might succéed his correctiō either to him or his, altogither forgetting his oth and dutie towards God and his Prince, for the due punishmēt of Offendors in yt case had & prouided commaūded me yt without further delay I should let her go, which foorth∣with I did no lesse bewailing her libertie then lamenting the lack of better Magistrates to wéed out such Malefactors.0