Vox cœli, or, Nevves from heaven Of a consultation there held by the high and mighty princes, King Hen.8. King Edw.6. Prince Henry. Queene Mary, Queene Elizabeth, and Queene Anne; wherein Spaines ambition and treacheries to most kingdomes and free estates in Europe, are vnmasked and truly represented, but more particularly towards England, and now more especially vnder the pretended match of Prince Charles, with the Infanta Dona Maria. Whereunto is annexed two letters written by Queene Mary from heauen, the one to Count Gondomar, the ambassadour of Spaine, the other to all the Romane Catholiques of England. Written by S.R.N.I.
Reynolds, John, fl. 1621-1650., Scott, Thomas, 1580?-1626, attributed name.

The Grisons.

H. 8.

BVt how stand the Grisons affected to Spaine?

E. 6.

Spaine through the vicinity of Millane, doth so often knocke at their doores, that if they keepe them not fast shut, they know, or at least feare that he will shortly enter by the Uolta∣line and Chiauena.

Q. M.

O though of late they made a shew of resistance, yet the gold of Spaine, the neighbourhood of Millane, the Fort Trents, but chiefly their owne credulity and security, hath almost brought them to the King of Spaines lure.

Q. E.

This people were both warlike and wise.

P. H.

But Spaine will briefly make them fooles and cowards if they will hearken vnto him.

Q. M.

As how Nephew? pray be not bitter against Spaine.

P. H.

Why, fi•…st Spaine will 〈◊〉 them vp in peace and secu∣rity till matters be ripe, or else he will engender factions, and sowe discords among themselues, either •…or Religion, or ranke, or be∣twixt them and their dearest friends the Swissers; and so when hee sees all things ready, and the Iron hot, then he will march, and strike, and not faile to vnite and annex the Cantons of the Grisons to Mil∣lane, as he hath already done Millane to Spaine.

H. 8.

If the Grisons at any time lose the Swissers friendship, or their owne vigilancy and generosity, it will not be long, ere they shake hands with their liberty and liues.

Q: M.

So Spaine hopes, for if warre cannot worke, and effect it, they make no doubt but peace shall.

Q. E.

If the Grisons hearken to the Charmes of Spaine, they are halfe lost.

Q. M.

If they hearken not to Spaine, they are wholly vndone, but if they listen to Spaine, all will be well.

H. 8.

Yea Daughter, I beleeue for the Spaniards, but not for the Grisons.

Q E.

To trust to Spaine, is to rely on a broken staffe, and to har∣bour a serpent in our owne bosomes.

P. H.

To trust to the promises of Spaine, is to commit our selues Page  16 to the mercy and protection of a Lyon who will deuoure vs.

Q. M.

The Grisons will see, and say the contrary.

E. 6.

So will I say, if I see the contrary; till when, I feare the Gri∣sons will buy their peace, as well with teares as bloud.