Purchas his pilgrimes. part 2 In fiue bookes. The first, contayning the voyages and peregrinations made by ancient kings, patriarkes, apostles, philosophers, and others, to and thorow the remoter parts of the knowne world: enquiries also of languages and religions, especially of the moderne diuersified professions of Christianitie. The second, a description of all the circum-nauigations of the globe. The third, nauigations and voyages of English-men, alongst the coasts of Africa ... The fourth, English voyages beyond the East Indies, to the ilands of Iapan, China, Cauchinchina, the Philippinæ with others ... The fifth, nauigations, voyages, traffiques, discoueries, of the English nation in the easterne parts of the world ... The first part.
Purchas, Samuel, 1577?-1626.
Ordinarie expences that are made in the Fortresse of Ormus.

THe Captayne of the said Fortresse of Ormus, hath 600000. reys ordinarie, which is 375l. sterling euery yeere. He hath also 1000. Cruzados for a reward of old stipends, which is 250l. sterling. He hath also 700. Xerafins, in the customes of his goods, by warrants of the Vice-Royes, [ 20] with 210000. reys, which is 131l. 5s. which is in all 1210000. reys, that is 756l. 5s. sterling: and he hath also the duties of ten Horses, free euery yeere.

These and all other expences * of the Fortresse, Hospital and Ecclesiastikes of Ormus, amounts to 20323213. reys, which is 12702l. 1d. ob. q. 〈◊〉. part of a peny sterling euery yeere.

All the expences of the Fortresse of Dio, amount to 13818520. reys, which is 8636l. 11s. 6d. sterling.

All the expences that are made with the Citie of Damaon, and her Territories, with the works that are in hand, amounts to 17251868 reys, which is 10782l. 8s. 4d. 〈◊〉. parts of a peny sterling euery yeere. Whereof the Iesuites, be they many or few, haue 236l. 5s. reuenue, the Domini∣cans 54l. 15s. 7d. the Franciscans 18l. 15s. * [ 30]

All the expences of Bazaim, amount to 9084960. reys, which is 5678l. 2s. sterling euery yeere: of which the Iesuites and Franciscans for themselues and the Christians of that Countrey, receiue 682l. 4s. ster.

All the expences of Aseri, to 2795600. reys, which makes 1747l. 5s. ster.

The expences of Manora, come to 47597••. reys, or 1099l. 16s. 4d. ob. q. 〈◊〉. peny ster.

The expences of Chaul, are 5993240. reys, that is, 3745l. 15s. 6d. ster.

The expences of Onor, are 1411000. reys, 882l. 5s. ster.

Barcelor the Fortresse and Church expend 1119l. 17s. 6d. ster.

Mangalor 832l. 17s. 6d. Cananor 965l. 11s. 3d. ster.

Cochin hath a Bishop with 500l. reuenue, with many Church Officers, Priests, Friars, the Hospitall [ 40] which with the Secular expences added, amount to 6953204. reys, which is 4345l. 15s. ob. 〈◊〉. pen. ster.

Cranganor the Secular and Ecclesiastikes receiue 782l. 1s. 6d. ob. 1/10. peny ster.

Coulan receiueth annually in expences 570l. 17s. ob. 〈◊〉. peny sterling: whereof the Iesuites receiue 125l. ster.

Manai expences Ecclesiasticall and Secular, are 4597l. 5s. ster.

Ceylan expendeth in Church and lay Offices 7402l. 14s. 7d.

Malaca hath a Bishop 500. reuen. the Iesuites receiue 112l. 10s. besides spent on the Iesuites in Iapan 218l. 15s. yeerly. 40l. to the Iesuites in Amboina. 90l. to the Iesuites in Maluco, and for their passage to Iapan 112l. 10s. the Dominicans, the Church Officers and the Vestrie, and all the Se∣cular expences in Malacca, are 12248l. 9s. 6d. [ 50]

The expences of Maluco amount to 2200l. 14s. 6d, Of Amboyno 1535l. 4s. 6d.

The Bishop appointed for China, hath 500l. reuen. The Iesuites 67l. 10s. These with the Iudge and other Officers, receiue annually 733l. 6s.

Idalxa, Iecamana, and Maomet Caon, and the Portugal stipendaries, in annuall rewards giuen by the Kings bountie, Cocket free for the Moguls ship (which custome comes to 7500l.) in all 10671l. 19s. ob. q. 3/20. peny ster.

All the ordinarie annuall expences of the state of India, are 214718878. reys, which is 134199l. 5s. 11d. ob. ⅕. peny ster.

Other Warrants, Interrogatories to be ministred vpon Oathes to all Officers, Contracts of peace with Neighbour Princes, &c. contayned in that Booke are here omitted. [ 60]

And now I might easily haue obtayned this Vice-royes Warrant to the Captaine of the Forts of Mosambique and Sofala, running after their manner, It is my Will and Pleasure, that &c. for my entertainment: but it is my will and pleasure rather (as like will to like) to take a Preacher and Priest along with me, that though we agree not otherwise in Doctrine, yet as Trauellers we wil Page  1533 restraine our zeale, and without feare of Inquisition, march like good Fellowes together: yea, with Iesuites after, without feare of Treason. Onely first I will present vnto you a Letter of a Spanish Embassador, relating the Antiquities of Persepolis, and some things by him obserued in Persia.