Purchas his pilgrimes. part 3 In fiue bookes. The first, contayning the voyages and peregrinations made by ancient kings, patriarkes, apostles, philosophers, and others, to and thorow the remoter parts of the knowne world: enquiries also of languages and religions, especially of the moderne diuersified professions of Christianitie. The second, a description of all the circum-nauigations of the globe. The third, nauigations and voyages of English-men, alongst the coasts of Africa ... The fourth, English voyages beyond the East Indies, to the ilands of Iapan, China, Cauchinchina, the Philippinæ with others ... The fifth, nauigations, voyages, traffiques, discoueries, of the English nation in the easterne parts of the world ... The first part.
Purchas, Samuel, 1577?-1626.
Page  792

CHAP. X. A briefe Copie of the points of the Contracts betweene the Emperours Maiestie, and the Kings Maiestie of Sweden: at Stol∣boua the seuen and twentieth of Febru∣ary, 1616.

*INprimis, and especially that all matters by set aside, forgotten, pacified, and renoun∣ced, [ 10] which passed these former yeeres since the conclusion of peace at Taffina in the yeere 7003. betweene the former great Lords, Emperours, and great Dukes of all Russia, and afterwards our great Lord, Emperour and great Duke Michaelo Phedorowich of all Russia Sam. his Imperiall Maiestie, and Empire of Russia; and betweene their late high, mightie Lord King Charles the Ninth of Sweden, the aboue named Kings Maiesties highly ho∣nored and beloued Father, especially their high mighty Lord King Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden, his Kingly Maiesty and the Crowne of Sweden: As also both the Princes their Dominions, Lands, Ci∣ties, and people, chance or hap of the Subiects, which happened or was done by robbery, burning, killing, or other enmities whatsoeuer might bee, or by whom it was done, that all those griefes and troubles in all matters shall be set aside, and hereafter not be reuenged or remembred of neither party, for euer and by this present strong conclusion of peace betwixt our great Lord Emperour and great Duke Michaelo [ 20] Pheodorowich of all Russia, Sam. and betwixt their great mightie Lord, King Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden, &c. and of other Dominions, Lands, Castles, aswell those of old, as those which by this conclusion of peace are giuen and yeelded vp, and betwixt all the Subiects and people to bee renewed, esta∣blished, confirmed and held vnremoueable in the manner of a peace for euer and euer; and sure friend∣ship perpetually: Also that the Emperours Maiesty, and the Kings Maiesty shall desire one anothers best in all matters, and neyther seeke a better friend, but to deale faithfully and truly in all matters reciprocally.

2. Item, is giuen vnto our great Lord Emperour and great Duke Michaelo Pheodorowich of all Russia, Sam. his heires, successors and hereafter comming great Lords, Emperors, and great Dukes of all Russia, and the Empire thereof, by their great Lord King Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden, for him∣selfe, [ 30] his successors, and hereafter being Kings of Sweden, and for the whole Crowne of Sweden, doth deliuer and cleere by the power of this conclusion of peace, these Castles of the Empire in Russia with the Townes and Suburbs which were taken in these yeeres,* namely, great Nouogrod, Stararousse, Porcoue, Lodiga, Odo, with their Territories, Somerskey, Volost, with the Villages belonging to the Emperors Houshold, to Metropolie, Monasteries, Gentlemens Lands, Inheritances, Farmes, with all their profits and reuenues according to former Borders and Limits, except those Castles which the Emperours Maie∣stie doth yeeld by power of this Contract of peace, as hereafter more certainly shall be exprest.

3. Item, The Kings Maiestie of Sweden doth giue vnto the Emperours Maiestie, with the afore∣said Castles and Townes, all manner of Church ornaments which are in the Church of Sophia, The Sa∣pience of God, and within all Churches and Monasteries in Nouogrod, and in other Castles and [ 40] Townes which the Kings Maiesty hath giuen to the Emperour's Maiesty without carrying any thing a∣way.* Also the Kings Maiesty doth giue the Metropolite and all the Spiritualtie, with all their goods, as also all manner of Russe people what calling soeuer they be, which are in those Townes, Castles, and Ter∣ritories, dwelling now or planting themselues there with their Wiues, Children, and all their goods what∣soeuer any hath. As also the Kings Maiesty shall giue all manner of Writings and Bookes, which are in those Castles and Townes to be found in Roserades iudgement houses, or elsewhere with all Russe Ord∣nance, Munition, and Prouisions there belonging, and the Bells in those aforesaid Castles and Townes, in such manner as they were the twentieth of Nouember last past, according to agreement made with the Kings most excellent Maiesty of Great Britaines Ambassadour Sir Iohn Merick, except those Bells which the people of Nouogrod themselues did sell after that agreement,* for the payment of Souldiers, and [ 50] were carried away from Nouogrod, but those Bells which the Kings seruants and people did take per∣force without buying, shall be in right manner sought out and brought backe againe to Nouogrod and re∣stored there. Also which Bells the Kings Maiesties people bought at Nouogrod, it shall bee free for the Nouogrod men to redeeme them backe againe at the same price they sold them for, and the Kings people hereafter shall not buy any more Bells of the people of Nouogrod by no meanes whatsoeuer.

4. Item, the Kings Maiesties people of Sweden, at their departure out of the Emperours Maiesties Castles and Towns aforesaid, namely, great Nouogrod, Stararouse, Porcoue, Lodaga, Somersko, Vo∣losco,* &c. shall vse no violence to the Emperors Maiesties people by burning, robbing, or killing, neyther carry any Russe people with them to the Kings Maiesties side, neither men, nor women, nor children, nor any of their goods: and if any goods remayne of the Swethish people, at their going out of the aforesaid [ 60] Towne, which at that time they cannot take all with them, such goods shall be kept in safetie by those with whom they are left, till such time as euery one of them shall come thither for his owne goods, or send some bodie for them, and these people shall haue free libertie to goe without all molestation or let, to come for their goods, and to returne againe at their owne conuenient time.

Page  7935. Item, the Kings Maiesties Gouernours and Officers shall deliuer vnto the Emperours Maie∣sties Voyauodes and Commanders the aboue named Townes and Castles, to say great Nouogrod, Stararouse, Porcoue, with their Territories, and Somerskey, Volost in presence of the great Lords, Iames King, &c. his Maiesties great Ambassadour Sir Iohn Merike Knight, &c. or the said Kings Maiesties Gentlemen,* the which the aboue said great Ambassadour shall send to that end clensing and giuing ouer the said Castles and Townes, two weekes after this contract is confirmed betweene vs both, great Commissionors by Writings, Hand, Seale, and Kissing of the Crosse of our side, and on their part, by oath vpon the holy Euangelists.

6. And after that the Castle of Lodiga and Territories, shall bee deliuered to the Emperours Ma∣iesties Messengers by the Kings Maiesties Gouernour, three weekes after the confirmation of this con∣tract, [ 10] in presence of the abouesaid great Lords, Iames King, &c. his Gentlemen, which to that purpose the great Ambassadour shall send, then the said Castle and Prouince to be redeemed and giuen vp, with all the Russe Ordinance, people thereto belonging, none to be carried away, nor no violence to bee offered them by robbing, or otherwise spoyling of them; nor no Russe Ordnance to bee carried away. But the Castle of Odow, and Prouince, and people is to remayne on the Kings Maiesty Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden, for a time, till this contract of peace be confirmed by both the Potentates, by their Writings,* by the Emperours Maiesty with the Seale of the Empire, and by the Kings Maiesties hand and Seale of the Kingdome of Sweden, as also by the Emperours Maiesties kissing of the Crosse, and the Kings Maiesties Oath vpon the holy Euangelists confirmed, and the borders diuided and measured out iustly. And the Ambassadour which both the Princes shall send to that effect hauing beene with both the Princes [ 20] shall returne againe to the borders, hauing well concluded the busines, as then two weeks after that time the Emperors Maiesties Voyauodes and Commanders, which his Maiestie shall send for the receiuing of the said Castle and Prouince of Odow from Vlasquo shall receiue the said from the Kings Maiesties Gouer∣nours, with all the Russe people and Ordnance with all their goods, and what they haue, and as long as the Castle of Odow is on the Kings Maiesties side, all the people of Odow and the Prouince thereof shall giue vnto the Kings Maiesty their former Corne, and doe seruice as before for the mayntayning of those Souldiers that remayne there, the Kings Maiesties people in the meane time shall do to those people of Odow no violence nor robbery, neyther carry any Russe people, or Ordnance from thence, nor cause any to be conueighed away.

7. Item, the Kings Maiestie G.A. &c. best beloued brother Prince Charles Phillip, Prince hereditarie [ 30] of S. &c. shall hereafter lay no claime or challenge to these Castles, and Townes, namely great Nouogrod,* Porcoue, Stararouse, Somerskey, Volost, Odow, Ladogo, and all their confines, borders and Prouin∣ces; nor come vpon them with no manner of Warre, to seeke to attaine them: nor remember any more that oath which formerly the people of those places made to the Prince C. Ph. Also the Kings Maiestie G.A. shall promise not to giue any aide of men or money to his abouesaid Brother C.Ph. against the afore∣said Castles and Townes in no wise.

8. And against or in liew of the aboue said our great Lord Emperor, and great D.M.F. of all Russia, Sam. &c. for himselfe, his successours, and hereafter being great Lords, Zares,* and great Dukes of all Russia, &c. and for the whole Empire of all Russia, &c. especially, for the dominion of Nouogrod the great, hath giuen and yeelded vnto their high mighty Lord King G.A. of S. &c. from the dominion of Nouo∣grod, [ 40] from himselfe and the whole Empire of Russia, especially in respect of loue and friendship, these Ca∣stles, Forts, and Land, following, which heretofore did adioyne to the Dominions of Nouogrod,* as namely Euanogrod, Yam, Coporea, Orieseke, with all vnto them adioyning▪ Townes, Lands, and Prouinces, with all Townes, and Villages in the Countrey to them belonging, and due vnto them, according to their former, iust, and auncient borders, with the people that dwell, and plant themselues there, with all other profits, reuenewes; and paiments, with the shoares of Riuers, with Lakes, nothing exempted, the Empe∣rours Maiestie hath yeelded, and giuen to their Kings Maiestie, G.A. of Sweden, &c. as proper and owne to him and his Maiesties successours, and hereafter being Kings of Sweden, and to the Crowne of Sweden for an euerlasting propertie for them to hold, without cauillation or any contradiction, by the Emperours Maiestie, or his Maiesties Successours, or hereafter being Emperours, and great Dukes [ 50] of all Russia, as also by the whole Empire of Russia, and from the Dominion of Nouogrod, for euer∣lasting times, in all points, as former great Lords, and great Dukes of all Russia, held and kept the same; namely the late, of blessed memory, great Lord Emperour, and great Duke Euan Vasiliwich, of all Russia, Sam. and the great Lord Emperour, and great Duke, Pheodor Euanowich of all Russia, Sam. and the spiritualty, as Monkes, and all others in those Castles and Townes, as well Gentlemen, as other in∣habitants of the said places, two weekes after the conclusion of this contract, when it shall be reuealed vn∣to them, they shall haue free libertie, all such as desire to goe to the Emperours Maiesties side, with their wiues, children, families, all goods and chattels, which way soeuer they will into the Emperours Maie∣sties Lands and Townes. And that all Russe people, in the said Castles, Forts, and Townes, might know [ 60] the same: it is here agreed and concluded, that as soone as the conclusion of this peace shall be effected and confirmed betwixt vs both, the great Potentates great Commissioners shall send their Posts and Messen∣gers into all the aforenamed Townes and Castles, which they in presence of the Lord King Iames his great Ambassadours, Messengers, shall openly reueale and proclaime, that all spiritualty, with their goods, Courtiers, Gentlemen, Burgesses, and Townesmen, which are desirous to goe from thence within Page  794 two weeks after to the Emperors Maiesties side, they shall haue libertie to go from thence with their wiues, children, families, all their goods, and chattles, and none of them to leaue any thing behinde them against their wil, neither to be staied nor violated by the Kings Maiesties people; but moreouer, to haue conuoys and prestaes, to bring them without all feare or wrong to the Emperours Maiesties next borders, in such manner that they be neither robbed nor killed, but especially and certainely, it is concluded and agreed on betweene vs both sides great Commssioners, that all Russe Countrie Priests, and Husbandmen in the said Townes and Countries which are giuen and yeelded by the Emperours Maiestie, shall by no man∣ner of meanes be inticed or carried from thence, but shall remaine there with their wiues, children, and familie, vnder the Sweths Crowne, as also all Courtiers, Gentlemen, and Burgesses, which doe not remoue from thence, in the foresaid two weekes.

*9. As also from the Emperours Maiestie, great Lord and great Duke M. F. of all Russia, Sam. [ 10] &c. the Kings Maiestie, &c. shall haue 20000. rubbles, in ready good current vnchangeable Siluer dey∣nings, and those monies immediately as soone as this contract of peace shall be concluded and confirmed betweene vs, shall be giuen to the Kings Maiestie of Sweden great Commissioners by the great Embassa∣dour of the Kings most excellent Maiestie of great Brittaine his great Ambassadour Sir Iohn Mer∣ricke, Knight.

10. And as for the Russe Ordnance in these Castles which shall be giuen to our Lord Emperour, and great Duke▪* &c. from the Kings Maiestie G.A. &c. which Ordnance shall remaine there, shall be giuen to his Maiesties Officers, and what munition of Artillerie, as prouision for Warres, and Bels, and other matters, which their Kings Maiestie hath taken in the Land of Russia out of those Castles, before the contract which the Kings Maiesties great Commissioners, and the great Lord King Iames &c. great [ 20] Ambassadour Sir Iohn Merricke, Knight, did erect, as the twentieth of Nouember, such Ordnance and prouisions shall remaine to the Kings Maiesties vse, and Crowne of Sweden, without all contradiction or cauilation.

11. And because the late great Lord Emperour, and great Duke Vasilly Euanowich of all Russia, Sam. did giue and confirme by writings, vnto their high, mighty, late Lord, King Charles the ninth of S. &c. and to the Crowne of Sweden the Castle Corela,* and the Prouince thereof, for that faithfull and good willing aide which was done vnto him, against the Polish people: in like manner doth confirme, and establish the same by this contract of our great Lord Emperour, and great Duke M.F. &c. the same yeelding and donation of the great Lord Zare, and great Duke Vasily Euanowich, &c. for himselfe, [ 30] his successours, and hereafter being Emperours, and great Dukes of all Russia, and for the whole Em∣pire of all Russia, that the said Castle of Corella, with all profits, reuenewes, and rents, by Land and by Water, according to their former auncient, and now being borderers, nothing exempted in all, accor∣dingly as it was by former Emperours, and great Dukes of all Russia, as they possest and held it, so here∣after it shall remaine to their Kings Maiestie, G.A. of S. &c. and to his Maiesties Successours, and hereafter following Kings of Sweden, and the Crown of Sweden, without all cauillation or contradiction for euerlasting times.

12. And that hereafter there be no more difficulty or variance concerning the borderers of the Land, it is concluded and agreed vpon, that in this yeare 7125. vpon the first of Iune, our great Lord Emperour, and great Duke M.F. &c. and their high, mighty King G.A. &c, shall send on both sides, speciall good Courtiers, and Notaries, to meete between Lodiga and Oreseke, at the mouth of the Riuer Laua, whence [ 40] it doth fall into the Lake of Lodiga,* so that they shall meete vpon the said Riuer, on the midst of the Bridge, which of both sides their people shall make vpon that Riuer, and when there the one shall haue shewed the other their ample Commissions, and shall appeare that they are worthy to measure out the bor∣ders thereby, betweene the Emperours Maiestie, and the Kings Maiesties Lands: so that from the bor∣ders of Nouogrod, Lodiga, and Odow, with their Prouinces, and also from Somerskey, Volost, be deuided from the auncient and former precincts, and borders of Oreseeke, Copora, Yam and Euano∣gorod, in iust manner as it ought to be, at the same time next ensuing the first day of Iune, then the said Courtiers and Notaries, three in presence in the said manner on both sides, shall meete together vpon the borders of Nouogrod, betweene the Prouince of Olimets and Corela at Salomensky Towne, by the Lake of Lodiga,; which Courtiers also shall view the same Prouinces according to the former borders, [ 50] and as the former are exprest, how they haue bin, and confirme the same, and if they so chance, that they cannot happen vpon the former auncient borders, then shall they, by iust inquisition, make new borders and Land-markes, in such manner, that hereafter there be no further controuersie concerning those borders, and those Courtiers or Gentlemen shall not part asunder of neither side, till they haue sufficiently and friendly ended that businesse in all manner, and what those Courtiers shall finish and effect in this man∣ner, the same according as befitteth there shall expresse by writing vpon parchment on both sides, and con∣firme the same by their subscription, Seales, kissing of the Crosse, and oath interchangeable: and as con∣cerning the deuiding of borders, and the Gentlemen shall doe it, as namely of Nouogrod, Lodiga, O∣do, Somerskey, Volost, of one part, and also betweene Oreseke, Copora, Yam, and Euanogorod, on the other side, and also betweene the borders of Nouogrod and Corela, shall be set downe and written, the [ 60] same shall be iremoueable and fast for euerlasting times, by our great Lord Emperour, and great Duke Michall Fedorowich of all Russia, &c. and the Kings Maiestie Gustauus Adolphus, &c. and their successours, and hereafter being on both sides, for euerlasting times, according to this contract of an euer∣lasting Page  795 peace: and for more firme confirmation of the same, that it shall be held and kept; it shall be de∣clared further in the Letters of contract, which shall be hereafter giuen betweene both Princes, from the Emperours Maiestie, by kissing the Crosse, and confirmation of his said Letters by his great Seale, and by the Kings Maiesties oath vpon the holy Euangelists.

13. As also the former, of blessed and most famous memory, great Lord Emperour, and great Duke Fedor Euanowich of all Russia, Sam. our great Lord Emperour, and great Duke Michall Fedoro∣wich, of all Russia, Sam, &c. Vnckle in conclusion of peace made at Tavsin, in the yeare 7103. did yeelde and giue ouer all his pretention and claime to the Countrey of Leifland, as also the great Lord Emperour, and great Duke Vasily Euanowich, of all Russia, Sam. in a conclusion of peace made at Wyburgh, in the yeare 7117, did renounce the same; so it is now here concluded and agreed, that our [ 10] great Lord Emperour, and great Duke M.F, &c. and his successours,* and hereafter being Emperours and great Dukes, shall at no time for euer challenge vnto themselues any right, or pretence to the Coun∣trey of Leifland; neither shall our great Lord Emperour and great Duke M.F. of all Russia, Sam. nor his successours, great Lords, Emperours, and great Dukes of all Russia, hereafter write vnto their great Lord, King Gustauus Adolphus, nor his successours hereafter, being Kings of Sweden, nor to the Crowne of Sweden, with the title of Leifland, or those Castles which the Emperours Maiestie hath now renoun∣ced to the Kings Maiestie for euer, neither by Letters of confirmation to write themselues, or name them∣selues in them, nor suffer his Uoyauodes, Seruants and Commanders, to write themselues with the title of Leifland, or the Townes aforesaid, neither in writing nor speeches, to name themselues. As also our great Lord Emperour, and great Duke M. F. of all Russia, Sam. his successours, and hereafter being [ 20] great Lord Emperour, and great Duke of all Russia, in their writings and speeches, shall giue to their Kings Maiestie, and hereafter being Kings of Sweden, their accustomed title of Leifland, and Corella. Item, on both sides, the great Commissioners haue agreed, since at this Treatie we could not accord vpon the full title of both the great Potentates; As to intitle the Emperours Maiestie, and of many other Do∣minions, Lord and Conquerour, and the Kings Maiestie, with the title of Ingermanland, wee haue of both sides great Commissioners, referred the same to both great Potentates liking therein; and if that ei∣ther Potentate will be pleased to write the other with the full title, as to the Emperours Maiestie, the Kings Maiestie doth write the full title with the word Conquerour;* and that the Emperours Maiestie also doe write to the Kings Maiestie his full title with Ingermanland, then both the Potentates are to send those titles by their Ambassadours, and nominate the same full title in one of their Letters of confir∣mation, [ 30] and the other. Letter to be written according to this our present agreement: and if in both the Letters, the titles be written to the full as the Emperours Maiesties full title, with Conquerour; and the Kings Maiestie with Ingermanland, then both sides Ambassadours shall shew one the other the said Let∣ters, and hauing shewen them, shall goe to each Prince with the same; if then on either side the Potentate shall not like thereof, and shall send the said Letters of confirmation with the short title, according to this our present agreement: the Ambassadours of both sides shall in like manner make knowne the same one to the other, and so proceede therewith to both Potentates.

14. Also it is agreed and concluded, that there shall be free commerce of Trade betweene both the great Kingdomes, the Empire of Russia, and the Kingdome of Swethen, and both Kingdomes subiects: so that all the subiects of our great Lord Emperour, and great Duke Michael Fedorowich, of all Russia,* [ 40] Sam. Merchants of the Dominions of Russia, from Nouogrod, Plesco, and other Cities and Townes, paying their due custome, shall haue free liberty without let to trafficke at Stockholme, Wiburgh, Re∣uell, Narue, and other Townes in the Countries of Swethland, Fynland, and Leifland, and they that dwell and plant themselues at Iuangrod, Yam, Copora, Nettingburgh, and Coreilla, what Nation soeuer, either Russe or other people, shall haue free liberty without let to trafficke, and to trade, paying their due custome, in the right Custome houses, at Mosco, Nouogrod, Plesco, Lodiga, and other Townes of Russia, with the Emperours Maiesties subiects, and also haue libertie to trauell through the Domini∣ons of our great Lord Emperor, and great Duke M.F. &c. for their trade of Merchandize within the Dominions of Russia.

15. And by reason heretofore our great Lord Emperour and great Duke Michall Phedorowich, of [ 50] all Russia, &c. his Maiesties subiects Merchants, had their free house of merchandize at Reuell, also now by contract of Tausin and Wiburgh, it is concluded they should haue a good place for a house,* ap∣pointed them in Reuell, as also in other the Kings Maiesties Townes, as at Stockholme, and Wyburgh, they shall haue house and Diuine Seruice, according to their Religion, in the said houses, without let or hinderance, but at Reuell in their Church, as formerly they haue done; yet to set vp no Church, accor∣ding to their Religion. And as heretofore their Kings Maiesties his Subiects, haue had a free house of trade at Nouogrod, now also according to the contract of Tausina, and Wyburgh, they are to haue a good place for a house, prepared them at Nouogrod, and the Emperours Maiesties other Cities, at Mosco and Plesco, house for the said purpose, and vse their Diuine Seruice according to their Religi∣on, in the house; but to build no Churches for that vse any where.

[ 60] For breuitie, I haue omitted the following Articles to the 29. the substance whereof is as fol∣loweth. The 16. determineth what debts shall be recouerable. The 17. Free passage of Subiects thorow each others Territories. 18. Freedome of Prisoners, on both sides. 19. Liberty of Inhabitants to stay in the places surrendred. 20. Fugitiues to be redeliuered. 21. Borderers Page  796 to be restrained from robberies. 22. For ending of quarrels, if any happen. 23.24. Confir∣mation of former contracts, of Tawsina and Wiburge. 25. No priuate or publike practise to be made against each other. 26. Shewing of Letters of confirmation at the meeting of Ambassa∣dours of both sides. 27. Honorable conuoy for Ambassadours on either part. 28. And also for Interpreters free passage.

29. Item, It is agreed and concluded, that if by the permission and pleasure of God, there happen an alteration of gouernment in Sweden or Russia,* them that Prince which shall newly come to his gouern∣ment first, shall reueale by his Ambassador to the other Prince from himselfe, and after that the other shall visit him by his Ambassadour.

30. Item, If it so fall out at any time, that of both sides the Princes, as our great Lord, &c. & their great [ 10] Lord King Gustavus Adolphus shall find one to the other their great Ambassadours, to confer of good matters, then those said great Ambassadours vpon the borders shall meet without all controuersie or strife, either betweene Odow and Euangorou:* or betweene Lodiga and Oreseke, where they shall thinke most fitting for them on both sides: in the midst of the diuision of the borders, and there to conferre of these good matters in friendly and louing sort, eyther by the Princes Commission or other commandement, as they shall haue.

31. Item, If it happen that the Emperours Maiesties Subiects and Merchants, their Boates, Lo∣dies, and Merchants Vessels shall go to Reuell, Wybourgh, or other Townes and Castles of Swethen, Fynland or Liefland, or ships and other Vessels, whereupon the Emperours Maiesties Ambassadours and Messengers shall be going to the Emperors Maiestie, to the Pope, into England, or any other King∣dome, [ 20] by the Kingdome of Swethen, or comming backe againe bee cast away and brought to the Swe∣thish shoare, eyther vpon the Salt Sea or the Lake of Lodiga, by tempests or other meanes, such people shall haue free libertie without hinderance to goe from thence with all the goods they can saue or shall get saued,* and the Kings Maiesties people shall helpe them to saue their goods. In like manner if it happen with the Kings Maiestie Gustavus Adolphus of Swethen, &c. Subiects, and Merchants Boats, and Merchants Vessels with Commodities, or otherwise be cast away and brought to the Emperors Maiesties shoare vpon the Ladigo or Plesco Lake, then these people shall haue free liberty to goe away with all their goods which they can saue or get to be saued without let or hinderance, and the Emperors Maiesties people shall helpe them to saue their goods.

32. Item, It is concluded and agreed on, that our great Lord, &c. shall not ayde or assist against the [ 30] Kings Maiesty of Sweden Gustavus Adolphus, and the Crowne of Swethland, the Kingdome of Poland and Lettow,* nor his Sonne Ladislaus and the Crowne of Poland, and the Dukedome of Let∣tow, nor all the Dominions of Poland and Lettow, nor shall helpe him with men or treasure, nor stand for him as one himselfe▪ nor any other Prince for him shall not practise or seeke any thing against the King of Sweden. Those Lands and Castles which belongeth to the Kingdome of Sweden of old, or those which now the Emperours Maiesty hath yeelded to the Kings Maiesty by this conclusion of peace, he shall not seeke to get them vnder him, or haue possession of them. In like manner the Kings Maiesty of Sweden shall not stand against the Emperours Maiesty &c. to assist the King of Poland and Lettow, and all the Dominions of Poland and Lettow, neyther with men nor treasure, and not to be with him as one. Ney∣ther shall the Kings Maiesty by himselfe or other Princes and Gouernours seeke any practise against the [ 40] Emperours Maiestie and his Lands and Castles which belong to the Emperour of Russia, hee shall by no meanes seeke to get vnder him or possesse the same. It is also agreed and concluded betweene vs, that those Ambassadours which the Emperours Maiesty shall send to the Kings Maiesty, and the Kings Maiesty to the Emperours Maiesty for the confirmation of this conclusion of peace, shall haue full authority to conferre betweene the Emperours Maiesty and the Kings Maiesty of Swethland for a vnion and ioynt assistance against Sigismond King of Poland, and the Crowne of Poland, and the great Dukedome of Lettow in such manner as shall be thought fit and requisite by both the Princes.

33. And for more certaine and firme assurance, that all this here hath bin concluded, and agreed on betweene vs the above said Emperours Maiestie,* and Kings Maiesties great, ample, and powerfull Ambassadours, by the mediation and intercession of the great Lord King Iames his Maiesties great [ 50] Ambassadour, in his presence, this conclusion is made, established, and finished, and shall by our great Lord, and great Duke M.F. of all Russia, Sam. and by his successours, and hereafter being great Lords, Emperours, and great Dukes▪ be kept faithfully, firmely, and vnmoueable, and shall be followed in all points, and finished without all falshood or deceipt: and our great Lords, Emperours, and great Dukes, &c. by his commandment, wee his great Commissioners, Ocholuech and Namestincke of Susdall Knese Dannyll Euanowich Mezetskey.* I the Emperours Maiesties Dwarenni and Namestincke of Shatskey Olexsey Euanowich Zuzen. I the Emperours Maiesties Duke, Michcola, Meke∣tesin Nouokseno. I the Emperours Maiesties Duke, Dobrenia Semenou, haue confirmed this con∣clusion of peace, with the kissing of the Crosse, and thereunto set our hands and Seales: also the Kings Maiesties of great Brittaines great Ambassadour, Sir Iohn Merricke Knight, Gentleman of his Ma∣iesties [ 60] priuie Chamber, for the more witnessing of the same, that this is also concluded here betweene vs, hath firmed with his owne hand and Seale, both these obligations, and a confirmation, which wee the Em∣perours Maiesties ample Ambassadours, haue giuen to the Kings Maiesties great Commissioners▪ and against that we haue taken the like writing of confirmation, from the Kings Maiesties great Ambassa∣dours Page  797 Written at Stalbo, in the yeare from the creation of the World 7125. the seuen and twen∣tieth day of February.

HAuing here presented the fruits of his Maiesties mediation betwixt the Muscouite and Swe∣den: I thought good also to adde this other testimonie of Bati Pacifici, in the peaceable fruits of his endeuours betwixt the said King of Sweden, and the King of Denmarke, after bloudy warres betwixt them, in which the English voluntaries were so great a part: of whom (if I mistake not) foure thousand serued the Dae, vnder the command of the right honorable the Lord Willoughby. The Articles of agreement betwixt them are these six, concluded January 16. 1613. translated out of the Dutch Copie, Printed at Copenhagen first, and after at Hamburge.

[ 10]

1. That the King of Sweden shall haue againe the Citie of Calmar, with all that be∣longeth vnto it, excepting Artillery, which shall be restored to the King of Denmarke, or to be sold for his profit.

2. That the King of Denmarke shall haue Elsborch and Orland, with all the forces and strength of Arensborch, in pawne, for the space of twelue yeares ensuing, for the sum of fifteene Tn of Gold; the which sum of money the King of Sweden shall pay vnto the King of Denmark within the foresaid twelue yeares, at certaine times, in consideration of his charges during the said warres.

[ 20] 3. That the Nauigation and passages by Seas and Land to Norway shall be vsed free without any hinderance of those of Sweden.

4. That Lapland shall be free without giuing of any contribution.

5. That the King of Denmarke shall haue Grone-land free, without paying of any con∣tribution vnto the King of Sweden.

6. That the King of Denmarke shall beare the three Crownes without any gaine-saying or contradiction of the King of Sweden (which was the first and principall cause of these aforesaid bloudy and vnneighbourly warres, and continuall irruptions.) Both Kings sub∣scribing [ 30] hereto.