The royall martyr. Or, King Charles the First no man of blood but a martyr for his people Being a brief account of his actions from the beginnings of the late unhappy warrs, untill he was basely butchered to the odium of religion, and scorn of all nations, before his pallace at White-Hall, Jan. 30. 1648. To which is added, A short history of His Royall Majesty Charles the Second, King of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, defender of the faith, &c. third monarch of Great Brittain.
Philipps, Fabian, 1601-1690., W.H.B.
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TO THE KINGS Most Excellent Majesty.

Dread Soveraign,

THe occasion of these few lines is neither to renew your sor∣row, nor stir up your Majesty to revenge; I know you have learned a better lesson from our blessed Lord and Saviour, to forgive your enemies; neither is it my design to plead for that which I even tremble to write, viz. Regicide, I Page  [unnumbered] know the world expects some should be made examples of Ju∣stice, God forbid that blood-guiltiness, especially of our King should go unpunisht. But that Justice & mercy might kiss each other. These ensuing lines were writ in the midst of your and our sufferings; the onely end both in writing and publishing was to Vindicate your Royal Father, our Dread Soveraign of blessed memory, thereby to make a more easie passage for your most Excellent Majesty to ascend unto the Royall throne of your famous Progenitors: And now see∣ing Page  [unnumbered] God at last by his wonder∣full and most miraculous Pro∣vidence, hath brought your Sacred Majesty to your just Rights & Dominions, I make bold in all humility to prosti∣tute both my self and this small Tract at your Royall Feet, be∣seeching your Clemency to ac∣cept of this small Mite of my Loyalty, begging your graci∣ous pardon for my great pre∣sumption, beseeching Almigh∣ty Jehovah the God of your Fathers to redouble in you your Fathers Graces and Vertues, & recompence to your Majesty for all your unparalelled suffer∣rings Page  [unnumbered] & patience, in the perfect obedience and affection of all your Subjests & establish your Royall Throne here on Earth, and at last give you a Crown of Glory in the highest hea∣vens,

so prays,

Your Majesties Loyall, Humble, and most obe∣dient Subject, W. H. B.