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Title:  Logos autopistos, or, Scriptures self-evidence to prove its existence, authority, certainty in it [sic] self, and sufficiency (in its kind) to ascertain others that it is inspir'd of God to be the only rule of faith : published as a plea for Protestants in the defence of their profession and intended only for the use and instruction of the vulgar sort.
Author: Ford, Thomas, 1598-1674.
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may justly marvel, that they send us to Tradition, for our assurance about Translations, seeing our present Eng∣lish Translations are of no such an∣tient date, as we need to enquire much, what our Fathers thought of them. They are best known and dis∣cerned by those who best understand the Originals, and have the most helps and means which God hath al∣lowed for such a work, as Transla∣ting the Scriptures. And for these we may without ostentation say, that we have as good, and as many, as they have, and the Translations we have are approved of by our Church, though not by theirs. If the Papists would, or could prove that the Scrip∣tures ought not to be translated at all, or else help us to a Translation absolutely answerable to the Origi∣nals, and give us good security for it, they should do both us and them∣selves a good piece of service. But there is an absolute necessity of Tran∣slations, unless we knew of any ex∣traordinary and miraculous way of bringing our people to understand the 0