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Title:  The negotiations of Thomas Woolsey, the great Cardinall of England containing his life and death, viz. (1) the originall of his promotion, (2) the continuance in his magnificence, (3) his fall, death, and buriall / composed by one of his owne servants, being his gentleman-vsher.
Author: Cavendish, George, 1500-1561?
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came into the Chamber of Presence standing under the Cloath of State.Then my Lord Cardinall tooke Cardinall Campaine by the hand, and kneeled downe before the King, but what hee sayd unto him, I know not, but his Counte∣nance was amiable, and his Majesty stooped downe, and with both his hands tooke him up, and then tooke him by the hand, and went to the Window with him, and there talked with him a good while.Then to have beheld the Countenance of the Lords and Noblemen that had layd Wagers, it would have made you smile, especially those that had layd their money that the King would not speake with him.Thus were they deceived, for the King was in earnest discourse with him, insomuch that I could heare the King say, how can this be, is not this your hand, and pulled a Letter out of his owne bosome and shewed the same to my Lord. And as I perceived, my Lord so answered the same, that the King had no more to say; but sayd to my Lord, goe to your Din∣ner, and take my Lord Cardinall to keepe you com∣pany, and after Dinner I will speake further with you, and so they departed. And the King that day dined with Mistris Anne Bulloign in her Chamber.Then was there set up in the Presence Chamber a Table for my Lord, and other Lords of the Councell, where they dined together; and sitting at Dinner tel∣ling of divers matters, The King should doe well, quoth my Lord Cardinall, to send his Bishops and Chaplaines home to their Cures and Benefices. Yea marry, quoth my Lord of Norfolke, and so it were meete for you to doe also. I would be very well con∣tented therewith, quoth my Lord, if it were the Kings pleasure to lycence mee with his Graces 0