The second part of the good hus-wiues iewell Where is to be found most apt and readiest wayes to distill many wholsome and sweet waters. In which likewise is shewed the best maner in preseruing of diuers sorts of fruits, & making of sirrops. With diuers conceits in cookerie with the booke of caruing.
Dawson, Thomas.

To make Ipocras

Take of chosen sinamon two ounces, of fine ginger, one ounce of graines, halfe an ounce, bruse them all, and steepe them in thrée or foure pints of good odifferous wine with a pound of suger, by the space of foure and twenty houres, than put them into an Ipocras bag of woollen, and so receiue the liquor. The readiest and best way is, to put the spices with the half pound of suger, and the wine into a bottell, or a stone pot stopped close, & after twenty foure houres it will bee readie, than cast a thin linnen cloth, and a peece of a boulter cloth in the mouth, and let it so much runne through as yee will occupye at once, and keepe the vessell close, for it will so well keepe both the sprite, odour, and ver∣tue of the wine, and also spices.