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Title:  Saint Austins religion VVherein is manifestly proued out of the vvorks of that learned Father, that he dissented from popery, and agreed with the religion of the Protestants in all the maine points of faith and doctrine. Contrary to that impudent, erronious, and slanderous position of the bragging papists of our times, who falsely affirme, we had no religion before the times of Luther and Caluine.
Author: Cooke, Alexander, 1564-1632.
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de fide ad Pel. Cap. 27. and To. 10. de verb. Apostoli Serm. 13. and 14. and To. 7. Hypognosticon Lib. 5. which sound so fully, that the Iesuit Azorius had no way to elude the testimonies, but by the denying some of the Bookes to be Saint Austins, and by ma∣king doubt of other some) in a knowne and an approued worke of his, ad 91he writes thus. Quicunque ab illa perditionis massa quae facta est per hominem pri∣mum non liberantur per vnum Mediatorem Dei & hominem, resurgent quidem etiam ipsi vnusquisque cum sua carne: sed vt cum Diabolo & Angelis eius puniantur. Whosoeuer they bee that are not deliue∣red from that Masse of corruption, which was caused by Adam, through the meanes of that our Mediator betweene God and man, euery of them shall rise a∣gaine in their owne flesh, yet to that end they may be punished with the Deuill and his Angels Which last words to be punished with the Deuill and his angels, imply necessarily Poenam sensus.13 The Papists teach, That our workes are meri∣torious, and the very cause of Saluation. But we say, they are not. In this St. In Psal. 102.Austin is so plaine on our side, saying, Coronat te, quia dona sua coronat, non merita tua. He Crownes thee because he crownes his gifts, not thy merits: that In his for∣mer part of his Reformation of a Catho∣like deformed. Pag. 97.Bishop the Prieft denyes there is any such saying in Saint Austin as this is. Saint Austin was too wise to let any such foolish sentence to passe his pen, saith Bishop.14 The Con. rid sess. 7. de Sacram. in gevere, Can. 1.Papists teach, That there are seauen Sacra∣ments of the Church, truely and properly so called; and neither mo, nor fewer. Wee teach, that in true and proper sense, there are onely two Sacraments of the Church; neither mo, nor fewer. Now that S. Austin is of our opinion herein, his wordes shew: for in Tract. 15. in Job. place hee affirmes, that de latere Christi in cruce0