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Title:  The forrest of fancy Wherein is conteined very prety apothegmes, and pleasaunt histories, both in meeter and prose, songes, sonets, epigrams and epistles, of diuerse matter and in diuerse manner. VVith sundry other deuises, no lesse pithye then pleasaunt and profytable.
Author: H. C.
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more apt to doe ill then good, went to the place where Vi∣olenta remained.Peter being condemned as you haue harde, was drawne & whipped toward the gallowes, & so passing forward (as it pleased thē, yt were the ministers of iustice) ouer against an Inne, where at the same time were lodged three greate personages of Armenia whome the King of that country had sent to Rome as Ambassadors to the Pope, about cer∣taine necessary affayres, for a voyage that he had in hande, and being come thither to refresh and repose themselues for certaine dayes and greatly honoured of all the gentle∣men of Trappany, and especiallye of Mayster Emery.These Embassadoures hearing them to passe by, that ledde Peter, came to the windowe to see what was the matter.Peter that was all naked from the girdle vpward, with his handes bound behind him, being dilligentlye marked by one of them, that was a man of good yeares, and greate authority, named Phinec his blood began to rise through a certain natural motion that he felt within himselfe, which perceiuing he remembred him of his onelye sonne that a∣bout. xv. yeares before was taken from him by certaine Rouers, on the sea coste of Iasa of whome since that tyme he neuer had hard tidinges, and considering the age of the pore vnhappy wretch, whome they whipped, hee aduised him that if his sonne were liuing hee shoulde bee of the age that he seemed to be, wherefore seing his bosome, he began to suspece that it was his sonne, and thinking that if it were he, he would yet haue some remembraunce of his owne name and his Fathers, and of the Armenian tong.wherefore when he was ouer against him, hee called him by the name of Theodore which Peter hearing, by and by lifte vp his head, and then phinee speaking to him in the Armenian tongue, sayd.Of whence and whose sonne art thou? The Sergeaunts 0