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Title:  The forrest of fancy Wherein is conteined very prety apothegmes, and pleasaunt histories, both in meeter and prose, songes, sonets, epigrams and epistles, of diuerse matter and in diuerse manner. VVith sundry other deuises, no lesse pithye then pleasaunt and profytable.
Author: H. C.
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According to her curtesy,her fancy to fulfill.But when she hath made profe of me,as she shall best deuise,And sees my seruice what it is,if she in any wiseMislike thereof, let her withdrawFrom me her fauour quight,And vse what kinde of way she worke me more despight,For as my health on her dependes,So if I want her grace,I loth my lyfe and wish for death,to reaue my rufull race.Finis.A pore yong man being in loue with a ritch Gentlewo∣man, fynding it somewhat difficult to obtaine a∣ny fauoure at her handes, sought to sup∣presse his fond affection, but could not, wherfore he wrighteth vnto her in effecte as followeth.THere is nothing in the vniuersall worlde, that maye more aptly be compared to the hatefull Hidra, then the painefull passions of lawlesse loue, for the Hidra being as∣sayled by Hercules, alwayes when he cutte of one of his heades, there sprang two in the place of it: so loue, the more it is suppressed, the more it increaseth and groweth still the greater, as is plainly proued by me, though to my payne I reporte it, for considering on howe high a place my minde was setled, wherevnto to attaine without great pertill, I found it almost impossible, I sought by reason to remooue it, if I might, but loue so abounded, that reason bare no 0