The seconde tome or volume of the Paraphrase of Erasmus vpon the Newe Testament conteynyng the epistles of S. Paul, and other the Apostles : wherunto is added a paraphrase vpon the reuelacion of S. John.
Erasmus, Desiderius, d. 1536., Coverdale, Miles, 1488-1568., Old, John, fl. 1545-1555., Allen, Edmund, 1519?-1559.
The texte.
This I saye lesse any man should beguyle you with entising wordes. For thoughe I be absent in the fleshe, yet am I with you in the spirite, ioying and beholding youre or∣der, and your stedfast fayth in Christe.

These poyntes for this ende thought I it good to warne you of, be∣cause ye should with all diligence take hede, least any beyng instruct with worldly wysdome agaynst the playnes of Christes gospel, blynde and de∣ceyue you with false tales, beyng yet suche tales, as haue a colourable ap∣parence of trouth and lykelynes. For so are the wyse men of this world wt captouse and subtile reasons of theyr inuencion wont to entangle simple people, of whiche sorte I know that some there are among you, watching how they maye corrupte your fayth.

Page  vFor albeit I be absent from you, and see not presentlye, what is done* there, yet am I in mynde among you present, with all my herte reioysyng to see the good order and condicion of your lyfe, and therwith the sound∣nes and strength of the sure confidence, whiche ye haue in Iesus Christe, to whome ye haue once wholy commytted your selues.