The seconde tome or volume of the Paraphrase of Erasmus vpon the Newe Testament conteynyng the epistles of S. Paul, and other the Apostles : wherunto is added a paraphrase vpon the reuelacion of S. John.
Erasmus, Desiderius, d. 1536., Coverdale, Miles, 1488-1568., Old, John, fl. 1545-1555., Allen, Edmund, 1519?-1559.
The texte.
¶ Reioyce in the Lorde alwaye, and againe I saye: reioyce. Let youre softenesse be kno∣wen vnto all men. The Lorde is euen at hande. Be careful for nothinge, but in all prayer and supplycacion let youre pericyons be manifest vnto God with geuynge of thanckes. And the peace of God (whiche passeth all vnderstandynge) kepe your hertes and myndes thorow Christ Iesu.

For these causes sakes, reioyce alwayes, euen in the myddes of your afflyc∣tions: Againe I eftesones saye, reioyce and be of good cheare. And how hot∣tely so euer the iniquitie of the wicked rage against you, yet let youre patience and modest softenes be knowen and seen vnto all maner of men, not only vnto the brethren, but to them also that are straungers from Christe, so that they beyng prouoked the rather by your good demenoure, maye be allured vnto the felowshyp of the gospell. For gentilnesse of behauioure wynneth and breaketh the vngodly. Couet not in any wise to reuenge you of thē, nor yet enuy not them their pleasaunt delytes. For the commyng of Christ is at hande, whiche shall rendre vnto you the ioyes of immortalitie, for contemnyng the commodities of this worlde. And as for them, they shall suffre the peynes of their owne fonde folyshenes. Lyue you for your parte without care for any thinge. But care for this onely, that whan Christe shall come, he maye fynde you readyly prepared: of him depende you entierlye with all youre hartes. Yf you haue nede of any thinge, truste not to the helpe of the worlde, but call vpon god with continuall supplicacions, and make your moane to him with feruent desires, whan you re∣quire any thing. And geue him thankes, what so euer chaunceth to you, pros∣peritie or aduersite, beynge certainlye assured, that he wyll also turne your ad∣uersitie into prosperitie. For he knoweth well ynoughe, what is profytable for Page  [unnumbered] you, althoughe you aske nothynge: But yet he loueth to be called vpon with suche manner of intercessions, he loueth to be entreated, and (as it wer) enforced, with godly besechinges. And so the peace, wherby you are reconsyled vnto god, (beyng a thing of more gracious efficacie than mannes reason is hable to per∣ceaue) shall strengthen your hartes and your consciences, against all terrouts that can possiblye happen in this worlde. For what should that man be afraied of, whiche knoweth that God loueth him dearly through Iesus Christ? Ther∣fore lyke as I woulde haue you without care of those thinges, wherwith this worlde either flattereth or maketh afrayed▪ euen so you must applye your sel∣ues with all your diligent endeuours, to ware iche in vertues, whiche maye make you acceptable to God.