Finally my brethren, be stronge through the Lorde and through the power of his might. Put on all the armoure of God, that ye maye stande againste the assaultes of the deuill. For we wrestle not against bloode and fleshe: but againste rule, against power, against worldly ru∣lers, euen gouernoures of the darckenes of this worlde, against spirituall cra••tyues in heuē. y thinges. Whertore take vnto you the whole armoure of God, that ye maye be hable to resist in the euell daie, and stande perfecte in all thynges. Stande therfore, and your loynes girde wt the trueth, hauyng on the brestplate of righteousnes, and hauing shoes on youre ••ere, that ye maye bee prepared for the Gospell of peace. Aboue all, take to you the shilde of faithe, where wt ye maye quenche all the ficrie dartes of the wicked. And take the helmet of saluacion, and the ••••••••de of the spirite, whiche is the woorde of God.
Now this remayneth for a finall conclusyon, that forasmuche as the wieked doe lay sundry engines to ouerthrowe your tranquillitie, you must also bee ar∣med with a strong lustie inward conscience to resist them, not with the ayde of your owne powers, but by the meane of the lorde Jesus your defendour, who will not suffer hys bodye to be destitute. Verely as for vs, we are feble mem∣bers, but he is valeaunt and mightie, that hath taken vpon him to be our pro∣tectour. Desyre therefore of him all maner of spirituall armour and weapons, that therwith being in euery poynt surely harnessed, you may be hable to stand valeauntly agaynst the assaultes of the deuil. For we haue not warre and bat∣tayl with men, whose wronges our duetie is to ouercome with pacyence. But our battayl is with wicked spirites, the enemyes and foes of Christe, whose champions and instrumentes those are, that ragingly assault vs. And by their ministery the princes and powers of deuils geue battail against vs frō aboue, and exercise theyr tirannye vpon suche as bee addycte vnto them throughe the naughtinesse of thys worlde, and lay wayte in the darkenes of this worlde for those that loue the lyght of the Gospel. Agaynste those (I say) we must necessa∣rily abyde battayll, and they are not onely mightye of strength, but also excea∣dingly perfite in spirituall pollicie, and that in the coastes of the ayre, so as they may the easelier come vpon vs, and so as it is the harder for vs to apprehende