The seconde tome or volume of the Paraphrase of Erasmus vpon the Newe Testament conteynyng the epistles of S. Paul, and other the Apostles : wherunto is added a paraphrase vpon the reuelacion of S. John.
Erasmus, Desiderius, d. 1536., Coverdale, Miles, 1488-1568., Old, John, fl. 1545-1555., Allen, Edmund, 1519?-1559.
The texte.
We speake of wysedom among them that are perfecte: not the wysedom of this worlde, neyther of the rulers of this worlde (which goe to naught) but we speake the wysedom of God whiche is in secrete and lyeth hyd, whiche God hath or deyned before the worlde, vnto our glory, whiche wysedome none of the rulers of this worlde knewe. For had they hadde knowledge, they would not haue crucified the Lorde of glory. But as it is wryt∣ten: The iye hath not seen, and the eare hath not heard, neyther haue entred into the hert of man, the thinges whiche God hath prepared for them that loue hym.

We haue of Christe deaper poyntes of wysedome, but of them talke we among suche as are perfite. Be diligente therfore and laboure to bee perfite, that ye maye bee partakers of the secrete and hydden misteries of God. Besyde this we, that preache the crosse of Christe, seme to the faythlesse to preache verye folyshnesse, but to suche as stedfastly beleue, seme we to preache an excellente wysedome, muche differyng from that wysedome whiche laboureth in vayne to serche out by naturall reason the causes of this worlde: and farre also from worldely policie, wherof the greate estates of this worlde make greate crakes, whose authoritie with all theyr wysedome is by Christe abolished and vanquyshed, by vt∣teryng theyr folyshnesse: but we preache of a heuenly wysedome, whiche hath not an outwarde apparence of that, which is not within it, but is in∣wardly myghtie and effectuall. There is in this wysedome no curiositie nor pompe, and yet symple as it is, all menne perceyue it not. But as it is secrete, so is it knowen by secrete inspiracion, and that of none, but of suche only, as God vouchesaueth to make partakers thereof. We lay not furth the priuities of this wysedome before the cōmen sort of people, but vtter them secretly to suche, as are able and mete to receyue them.

Page  viiiAnd albeit this wysedome be nowe at laste in oure tymes publyshed, yet god before all tyme by his hygh counsel ordained for his, that as the proude persons haue hitherto folyshly craked of theyr carnall wysedome, so should henceforth the meke and lowlye haue a more excellente wysedome to reioyse and glorie of. This wisdome delyteth to dwell in simple and cleane heartes, and for this cause none of the great rulers of this worlde had it, nor Magi∣ciens, nor Philosophers, nor Pilate, nor Annas, nor Cayphas, nor the pha∣riseis, nor the deuils themselues neither. For had thei knowen, that the lowe and folyshe preachyng of Christes crosse, woulde with his glisteryng haue darkened the glory of the world, and for all the weakenes and feblenes ther∣of haue put to flight and vanquished the tyrannye of death and synne, ne∣uer woulde they haue fastened on a crosse, the Lorde and capitayne of re∣noume and glorie. For all the learnyng they had in visible thynges, for all theyr pryde in knowleage of the lawe, ignoraunt were they of this won∣derfull misterie, mete to bee vttered onely to suche, as by humble and sobre myndes are made at one wt God. That it should so be, Esai long before pro∣phecied, declaryng, that this wysedome, whereof we talke, should into mens soules be secretely inspired, saying: suche thynges, as neuer were seene with mannes iyes, or by mannes eares hearde of, or conceyued in any mannes thought, hath god prepared for them, that hartely loue hym, and grounde all theyr disputacions vpon faythe, and not vpon mannes reason.