The seconde tome or volume of the Paraphrase of Erasmus vpon the Newe Testament conteynyng the epistles of S. Paul, and other the Apostles : wherunto is added a paraphrase vpon the reuelacion of S. John.
Erasmus, Desiderius, d. 1536., Coverdale, Miles, 1488-1568., Old, John, fl. 1545-1555., Allen, Edmund, 1519?-1559.
The texte.
As ye haue geuen your membres seruauntes to vnclennes and to iniquitie (from one iniquitie to another) euen so now geue ouer your mēbres seruaūtes vnto righteous∣nes, that ye may be sanctified. For when ye were seruauntes of sinne, ye were voyde of righteousnes.

And that as before this tyme you gaue your membres to serue vn∣clennes and iniquitie, so that as blynd desyres led you, ye fel frō one ini∣quitie to another, euery day more filthy than other: euen so now see that ye likewyse geue your membres to obey righteousnes, whose seruauntes ye haue frely made your selfes, therin styl encreasyng frō vertue to ver∣tue, euery day more pure and holy then other. For it is to muche against* al reason, but that Christ should at lestwyse haue somuche seruice of you, as the deuil had before this, and as vnreasonable is it, but that ye should now begynne to do as good seruice vnder your lady and maistres righ∣teousnes, as ye before in another sorte did vnto the tyranny of synne. As touchyng your former synful life for your excuse after a sorte some thing may be sayd: whiche is, that as long as ye were heathens, because ye wer bonde seruauntes to synne, ye might seme with righteousnes to haue no thing to do, nor to be any thyng bounde vnto her, as to whom ye had not yet bounde and yelded your selues. But now haue ye nothyng to lay for your defence. But yet and if the excellent nature of righteousnes selfe moue you not, consider and weigh yet the diuerse fruites and profite of bothe seruices, you I speake vnto, whiche haue of bothe seruices had experience.