The seconde tome or volume of the Paraphrase of Erasmus vpon the Newe Testament conteynyng the epistles of S. Paul, and other the Apostles : wherunto is added a paraphrase vpon the reuelacion of S. John.
Erasmus, Desiderius, d. 1536., Coverdale, Miles, 1488-1568., Old, John, fl. 1545-1555., Allen, Edmund, 1519?-1559.
The texte.
¶ And y seuenth angel powred out his vyalle into the ayre. And there came a voyce out of heauen from the seate, sayinge: it is done. And there folowed voyces, thonderynges, and lightninges: and there was a great earthquake, suche as was not sence men were vpō the earth, so mightye an earthquake and so great. And the great citie was deuyded into thre parties, and the cyties of al nacions fell. And great Babilō came in remembraunce before God, to geue vnto her the cuppe of the wyne of the featcenes of his wrathe. Euery yle al∣so fled awaye, and the mountaynes were not founde. And there fll a great hayle (as it had bene talentes) out of heauen vpon the men, and the men blasphemed God, because of the plage of the hayle, for it was great and the plage of it sore.

Page  xxviiThis seuenth angell is more harde & vncerten to interprete and to expounde, than all the other. Lyke as it is more vncerten to wryte of thinges to come, than of suche thinges as are alredy past. It may wel be a great feare in tyme to come that y kyngdom of the Turkes for a short space, shal be a great plage & sorow, an heuy iudgemēt ouer the corrupte & decayed christēdome. Whiche plage may here be founde & marked out of these wordes, y it shal happē & come to passe be∣fore suche tyme as the Lambe & his ministers shal rule vpon y earth, that both Iewes & heathen shal be conuerted vnto Christ y it may be sayde, it is al done, and so vp y the full end of the worlde to come, & the terrible iudgement of God to fal vpō one sorte & parte of men whiche shall than be a lyue, whiche is y first parte. And the other part is of them whiche shall ryse vp vnto euerlastynge sal∣uacion. And y thirde, is of them which are already damned, which is and shalbe the greatest part. Vnto whom this iudgemēt, & all that shal goe before or come after it, shal be more fearful & terrible thā any hart can thincke, or any toung ex∣presse, which terrible & heuy thing is here sygnified (as muche as is possyble) by the terryble voyces, thonders, lightninges, earthquakes, & ouerthrowing of the greatest & mightiest cities & kingdomes, as Babilō & Rome were. What thing can be thought or ymagined more terrible & fearfull? Whiche thing this cursed and damnable worlde shall and muste suffer by the rightuous iudgemente of God, and it muste fele the great wrathe of God, forasmuche as it hath alwayes despised the blessed gospel and Christ our sauiour and redemer. And therfore the great and heauye stroke and plage of gods rightuous iudgement shal fal vpon the worlde, and yet shall it not amende them, but as damned parsons, shall cast and set them into euerlastinge blasphemye of God wherin they are hardened, and wil not amende. Whiche is the highest & greatest plage that the lorde God maye or wil sende vpon his enemies.