The seconde tome or volume of the Paraphrase of Erasmus vpon the Newe Testament conteynyng the epistles of S. Paul, and other the Apostles : wherunto is added a paraphrase vpon the reuelacion of S. John.
Erasmus, Desiderius, d. 1536., Coverdale, Miles, 1488-1568., Old, John, fl. 1545-1555., Allen, Edmund, 1519?-1559.
The texte.
¶ And another angell came out of the temple, which is in heauen, hauynge also a sharpe syckle. And another angell came out from the aultar, whiche had power euer fyre: and cryed with a loude crye to him that had the sharpe sickle, and sayde: thruste in thy sharpe sickle, and gaddre the clusters of the earthe, for her grapes are rype. And the angel thruste in his syckle, on the earth, and cut downe the grapes of the vyneyarde of the earthe: and caste them into the great wynefat of the wrath of god, and the wynefat was troden with∣out the cytie, and bloude came out of the fat, euen vnto the horse brydels by the space of a thousande and syce hundred furlonges.

Lyke as before the iudgement of Antichrist and his felowship was pro∣phecied in this world, with the spirite of Helias and with the syckle of the gos∣pel: euen so doth the spirite of god in this place prophecie further of y other iud∣gement which shal happē afterwarde at the latter daye vnto these obstinate, im∣penitent and blynde contemners of gods iudgemēt in euerlastinge damnacion after the latter iudgement. Whiche damnaciō (or hell) is here vnderstande and signified by the great fat of gods wrathe, where all the wicked shall come toge∣ther, and with one stampe & treadinge of gods iudgement, sentence, and rightu∣ousnes, shal be euerlastingly trodē, as muche more greuouslye thā by y worldly and temporall punishement in this lyfe, as the heate of the fyre is more paine∣full and intollerable vnto the bodye of man, than are the cloudes vnto y earthe Page  xxiiii or any darkenes vnto the eyes. Whiche so greuous damnacion and destrucciō is sygnified by the feareful bloude whiche floweth ouer the earth that the hor∣ses treade therin euen vnto their brydles. Thus vseth the holy scripture to des∣crybe and paynt the greuous and terryble iudgement of God, by suche greate, vgsome and terryble figures.