The seconde tome or volume of the Paraphrase of Erasmus vpon the Newe Testament conteynyng the epistles of S. Paul, and other the Apostles : wherunto is added a paraphrase vpon the reuelacion of S. John.
Erasmus, Desiderius, d. 1536., Coverdale, Miles, 1488-1568., Old, John, fl. 1545-1555., Allen, Edmund, 1519?-1559.
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The texte.
¶ And the seuenth angell blewe, and there were made great voyces in heauen, saying: the kyngdoms of this worlde are our lordes, and his Christes, & he shall raygne for euer more And the .xxiiii. elders, whiche syt before God on their seates, fell vpon their faces, & wor∣shipped God, sayinge: we geue the thankes O Lorde God almightye: which arte and wast, and art to come: for thou hast receaued thy great might, and hast raigned. And the nacions were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the tyme of the dead that they shoulde be iudges, and that thou shouldest geue rewarde vnto thy seruauntes the prophetes & Sainctes, and to them that feare thy name small and great, and shouldest destroye them whiche destroye the earth.

AL this maye be well referred vnto the texte and vision that went before: to this purpose, that after all matters before men∣cioned, once past, there shoulde be an vniuersall godlynes, and christen order, eyther thorowe the generall preaching of the gos∣pel thorow out y whole world or els thorow the godly lyfe, peace and felicitie, whiche maye be at that tyme vpon earth. As it is possible inoughe thorowe the grace of god, and many good christen heartes doe trust and hope, that it shall come to passe. Or els it maye be vnderstande after the last iudgement of our sauiour Christ, of the quietnes, whiche shall than im∣mediately folowe after the cruell persecucion of Antichrist, as this blessed and comfortable angel preacheth and declareth with his trompet. For sure it is that before the latter daye the kyngdome of Christ shall appeare, and be receyued of all nacions and yles of the earth, euen of the Iewes also whiche at length shal receyue knowledge of their errour, and shall confesse their obstinacy and ye wic∣kednes of their belefe and conuersacion, whā they shall see the grace and know∣ledge of God manifestly reueled in all tongues and speches thorowe the holy worde of god, and shal perceyue the kyngdome of Christ the true Messias not to consist in the strayght and narow corner of Canaan nor in the vnhappy citie of Ierusalem (whiche is vnhappye by reason of the dyuision and vnquietnes that is in it) but in the whole wyde worlde, wherin shall be one onely felowshyp and congregacion of the seruauntes of the onely one and almyghtie god, whom alone all the holy prophetes (of whose faythe the Iewes haue alwayes made so highe boast) haue honoured and praysed, and lyke wyse the whole regi∣ment and flocke of theirs, and the whole worldes Messias and Sauiour, whiche was before the creation of the worlde, and hath appeared in the worlde in al hu∣mylite more than .xv. hundreth yeares, almoost longer than the lawe of Moy∣ses dyd endure and continue among the Iewes from the tyme of their delyue∣raunce out of Egipte vntyll the commynge of Christ, whan he toke his man∣hode in the tyme of the reygne of Herode, whan as their regiment and gouer∣naunce toke an ende. What lyes soeuer they feyne of their lande and regyment in Vtopia (whiche they name Caspa) wherof they must shortly be a shamed and holde their peace, and confesse their deceyte, falsehede, presumpcion & dam∣nable lyes of their Talmude, & of all their false myserable blynde guydes, and Rabbynes, whose falsehede is nowe open and manyfest vnto all the worlde, for as muche as their bokes are made common (thorowe the benefyte of printynge) vnto all men of learnynge and knowledge. So that this myserable people (as the holy apostle S. Paule prayeth) hath that thing fulfylled vnto them, whiche they hoped for, and whiche was promysed of God in their tyme vnto their gene∣racion. Euen so maye it come to passe vpon earth, and that right sone, that the honour and glorye of the kyngdome of Christ and of God shall appeare, which Page  xvii shal rule for a tyme vpon earth, and after y latter iudgement, in heauen in euer∣lastynge blisse. As than al holy patriarkes, prophetes, apostles and all the mar∣tirs that euer haue bene, shall haue honour and glorye, whiche they shall offre vp vnto the euerlastinge and very true God, in the sight of all Goddes electe in euerlastinge blisse, in y kyngdome of God and of his Messias our sauiour Ie∣sus Christ, according to the doctrine of the infallyble & moost true word of god. But the wicked and vngodly heathen, shall haue no part of this honour, glorye and blisse, but shall suffer and be damned euerlastingly in eternall wrath, enuy, hatred, malyce and despayre. For suche is the righteous iudgement of God ouer all men bothe quicke, and deade, good and bad. Euery one shall be rewarded accordyng to his workes and desertes after the iust iudgement of almyghtye God, without all maner of parcialytie or respecte of persons, whether they be of high or lowe estimacion in the worlde, whether they be riche or poore, and of what lande or contrey so euer they be. For than the holy and faithful shal receiue of Christ euerlasting saluacion for their trust, faith, and loue towarde God: and contrarye wyse the wicked and vngodly tyrannes, aduersaries, & persecutours of the faithfull seruantes of God, for their obstinate blyndnes, infydelitie, and contemninge of Goddes holy wyll and worde, shall peryshe for euer, and shall remayne euerlastingly, cursed and damned withal wicked spirites. Thus farre (as semeth vnto me) doe the visions and prophecies reache, that are hetherto past, and mencioned in this boke. But nowe, that whiche foloweth, is another reuelacion, pertayning to an other tyme. For a man must not seeke any other or∣der of y scripture in this boke (whiche is compact together of many and diuerse visions without any obserued order,) than in other writinges of the prophetes, as they that are learned doe knowe well ynoughe.