The seconde tome or volume of the Paraphrase of Erasmus vpon the Newe Testament conteynyng the epistles of S. Paul, and other the Apostles : wherunto is added a paraphrase vpon the reuelacion of S. John.
Erasmus, Desiderius, d. 1536., Coverdale, Miles, 1488-1568., Old, John, fl. 1545-1555., Allen, Edmund, 1519?-1559.
The texte.
Seeing therfore it folōweth, that shine muste enter therinto, and they (to whome it was first preached) entred not therein for vnbeliefes sake, he appointeth a certayn daye after so long a tyme, saying in Dauid: (as it is rehearsed) thys day if ye wil heare his voyce, har∣den not your heartes. For if Iosue had geuen them reste, then woulde be not afterwarde haue spoken of an other day. There remayneth therefore yet a reste▪ to the people of God. For he that is entred into his est, hath ceased also from hys owne woorkes, as God dyd from hys.

Sith therefore it foloweth of these authorities, that God first entred in to his reste after he had made the worlde, and fewe entred into the seconde reste for theyr vnbelefes sake: and consideryng also that the promise shall yet be as voyde excepte some entre therein, forasmuche as our forefathers are ex∣cluded therefro, vnto whome reste was promised by figures and shadowes of the lawe, the which reste thesame yet, vnto whome it was promysed, neuer intred into: there is againe in the mistical psalme an other day appointed by the mouth of Dauid, after so many yeares that the lande of Palestine was possessed, the which day the sayed prophete calleth not the seuenth day, but∣this daye, as it hath bene nowe oftentimes rehearsed before. This daye if ye will heare hys voice, harden not your hartes. For yf that Iesus the sonne of Naue, (who beeyng capitayne certayne of them entred into Palestine) had geuen trewe reste vnto the Israelites, God woulde not afterwarde haue made mencion of an other day by the mouthe of Dauid, els might they haue sayde: what newe reste speakest thou of vnto vs, fence we alreadye enioy the reste promised reyguyng in the lande of Iewrye? Therefore there remaineth a certayne other restyng daye vnto the people of God: there remaineth an o∣ther reste, not in Palestine, but in the countrey celestiall, whitherto we ha∣sten Iesu Christe beeyng our captayne: but yet it shall neuer chaunce vs to attayne thesame, excepte wee haue kepte here purely withoute violacion, the Page  [unnumbered] resting day of the gospell, abstayning from all the woorkes of this worlde. For whosoeuer hath entred into this true rest of God, hath nowe likewyse rested from his woorkes, as God rested from hys, after he had created and made the worlde. For he is brought into that life, where there is no vnquiet∣nes, neyther of labours, nor of griefes or paynes.