The seconde tome or volume of the Paraphrase of Erasmus vpon the Newe Testament conteynyng the epistles of S. Paul, and other the Apostles : wherunto is added a paraphrase vpon the reuelacion of S. John.
Erasmus, Desiderius, d. 1536., Coverdale, Miles, 1488-1568., Old, John, fl. 1545-1555., Allen, Edmund, 1519?-1559.
The texte.
I testifie therfore before God, and before the Lorde Iesu Christe, whiche shall iudge the quicke and deade at his apperyng in his kyngdom, preache thou the worde, be feruēt, in season and out of season. Improue, rebuke▪ exhort with al long suffryng and doctrine. For the tyme wyl come, when they shall not suffre holsome doctryne: but after theyr own lustes shall they (whose eare itch) get thē an heape of teachers▪ & shal wtdraw their eares frō the trueth, & shalbe turned vnto fables. But watche thou in al thinges, suffre afflicti∣ons, do the worke of an Euangelist, fulfyll thyue office vnto the vtmost. Be sobre.

MOreouer I beseche the eftesones by God the father, and by Iesus Christ whiche shall iudge the quicke and ye dead, whose sentence no man shall escape: and by his commyng where in he shall come to iudgement, not in a lowe estate, but myghtie and terrible, whiche suffred him selfe here to be iudged: and by hys kyngdome whiche no power shalbe hable to resiste: preache the worde of the ghospel stronglye, nether beyng frayed with aduersitie nor lustles in prosperitie. Be feruent and earnest in season and out of season. For there shalbe no tyme but it shall seme in season to the, wherin thou mayest haue anye hope to do good in the ghospelles busines. Reproue the offender, exhorte the sluggarde, checke him that still contynueth in errour, so as he may be amended with seueritie whiche was not amended with curteous admonicion: howbeit checke him so, as with the sharpenes of chydyng thou myngle both all lenitie & doctrine, lest thou seme either to hate him in case thou thōdre at him wt nothing but checkes, or elles to chide him without aduisement, if thou do nothynge but checke him and teache him not withal. For with more ease he is obedient that is perswaded, and with a better wyll a man doeth after him that loueth him, than him that loueth him not. This is rather to be had in vre, that we confyrme the consciences of them that ours be, forsomuche as herafter shalbe (as I sayed be∣fore) a haynous and a perilous tyme, wherin some shall departe from the pro∣fession of the ghospell, and not suffre the true and holsome doctrine of Christe, that is contrarie to the lustes of this worlde: but lyke as they are of moste fyl∣thie corrupt affeccions, & that of sondry sortes, euen so shal they get lurkyng to themselues sondry new doctours, not to teache godlines but that with Iewishe fables and mans inuentions shall icle their eares that shal itche with a folishe desyre rather to heare newfangles & subtil fyne reasons than mater of profite. Vnto their fables they shall conuerte thēselues, & shal turne their eares frō the trueth of the gospel: But endeuour thou thyself so muche y more vnto y cleane contrarie maner, watche, & beare euery thing for y ghospelles sake, & shewe thy selfe a right gospel preacher in dede. For those that teache their own fantasies, though they are named gospell preachers, yet veryly they are none.