The seconde tome or volume of the Paraphrase of Erasmus vpon the Newe Testament conteynyng the epistles of S. Paul, and other the Apostles : wherunto is added a paraphrase vpon the reuelacion of S. John.
Erasmus, Desiderius, d. 1536., Coverdale, Miles, 1488-1568., Old, John, fl. 1545-1555., Allen, Edmund, 1519?-1559.
The texte.
But as touchyng brotherly loue, ye nede not, that I wryte vnto you. For ye are taught of God, to loue one an other, ye and that thing verily ye doe vnto all the brethren whiche are in all Macedonia. We beseche you brethren, that ye encrease more and more, & that Page  vi ye study to be quiete, and to medle with your owne busines, and to worke with your han∣des, as we commaunded you: that ye may behaue your selues honestly toward them that are without, and that nothing be lackyng vnto you.

Furthermore, as concernyng the loue that christians owe to christians, I thinke it not necessarie for me to admonishe you by these my letters. For you are taught immediatelye from heauen by the spirite of Christ (whereof you haue tasted) that ye should loue one another. Whiche thing you declare in very dede, in that you loue all the brethren with a christian loue, not onelye that are at Thessalonica, but also in al Macedonia. Myne exhortacion ther∣fore shall not be vnto you, to do the thyng that you do of your owne accorde, but in that, that you do by admonicion of the spirite, to excede your selues, and go forwarde alwayes better and better. And looke you geue circum∣spect hede, that your quietnesse be not interrupted by meanes of idle persōs, and suche as be curious meddlers of other mennes mattiers, but let euerye one applie his owne businesse. And yf any want substaunce wherof to lyue, let hym prouide with his owne handes, so as he maye bothe helpe hymselfe, and releue them that be nedie, like as we commaunded you before: to the in∣tent ye mighte behaue your selues honestlye towardes them, that haue not professed Christ: at whose handes it were shame for your profession, either to begge or to do any vncomelier thyng for nede. But rather let euery one get with his handes, so as he want no necessary thyng. And that man is easely satisfied, that is content with a litell.