The seconde tome or volume of the Paraphrase of Erasmus vpon the Newe Testament conteynyng the epistles of S. Paul, and other the Apostles : wherunto is added a paraphrase vpon the reuelacion of S. John.
Erasmus, Desiderius, d. 1536., Coverdale, Miles, 1488-1568., Old, John, fl. 1545-1555., Allen, Edmund, 1519?-1559.
The texte.
Aboue all these thinges, putte on loue, whiche is the bonde of perfitenes. And the peace of God rule in your heartes, to whiche peace ye are called in one body.

But aboue all other garmentes especially apparel your selfes with christian charitie, who is so farre from hurtyng any man, that it laboreth to do euery man good, yea to do good for euil. This is the perfite & most sure bonde, wherwith the body of Christ is ioyned together, and the mem∣bres abide fast, whiche would els fal on sonder. With charitie wyl folow peace and concorde, not the comen peace whiche men speake of, but suche as is made and mainteined by the mightie power of Christ, stedfastly. Let her alway in your heartes wynne and haue the vpper hande, let her against malice, pride, wrath, and contencion, haue the victory. For God hath called you to concorde, and hath for that purpose reconciled you all vnto him, and made you as it were, one body, to the entent y ye like mem∣bres of one body, should among your selfes be of one mynde.