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To the venerable Artists and youn∣ger Students in Diuinity, in the famous Vni∣uersity of CAMBRIDGE.
YOV nobly-witted, and inge∣nuously-studied Academians: whose excellency in all kinds of learning, all forraigne Vniuersi∣ties doe admire, and none atteine vnto. I here present you a Voy∣age to Cholcos, though not the Golden-fleece with it: the Searche, I meane, but not the finding; of that so much talkt of, so often sought for, North-West Passage, and neerer way into the South-Sea. That, wherein so much Time and Treasure haue beene expended, so many braue Spirits employed, and yet none discoue∣red. Perchance, there is no such Passage to be found: and that the Spaniards, by the gullery of their false Sea-Cards, and the fable of an old Greeke Pilote; haue but diuerted our English and Dutch Sea-men, from their golden Indyes. This plot of theirs hath taken, for these many yeeres: and it appeares to bee but a plot, for that themselues neuer make vse of this Passage. For mine owne part, I suppose that the Philosophers stone is in the North-West Passage. My argument for it is, For that theres so much Philoso∣phy in the way to it.