An ouersight, and deliberacion vpon the holy prophete Ionas: made, and vttered before the kynges maiestie, and his moost honorable councell, by Ihon Hoper in lent last past. Comprehended in seue[n] sermons. Anno. M.D.L.
Hooper, John, d. 1555.

¶Howe the minister shoulde prepare hym selfe.

INwardly & outward∣ly. The inward prepa¦racion is if his minde Page  cxliii and soule be instructed & fur∣nished wyth godlye doctryne, and a feruent spirit and zeale to teach hys audience, to sta∣blysh them in the truth, and to exhorte them to perpende and marke wel the merites and de∣seruynges of Christ.

The outward preparacion, the more simple it is the better it is, and the nerer vnto the in∣stitucion of Christ and his A∣postles. If he haue bred, wine, a table, and a fayre table cloth, let hym not be solicitous nor careful for the rest, seyng they be no thynges broughte in by Christe, but by Popes: vnto whom if the kynges maiestye and hys honourable Coun∣saile (haue good cōscience) thei muste be restored agayne: and Page  [unnumbered] greate shame it is for a noble kynge, Emperour or Magis∣trate, contrarye vnto Goddes word, to detayne and kepe frō the deuyl or hys minister, anye of theyr goodes or treasure, As the Candels, Uestiments, 〈…〉: for if they be kept in the church as thynges indifferēt, at lēgth they wyl be mayntayned as thynges ne∣cessary. When the minister is 〈◊〉 wel prepared with sound 〈◊〉 Godlye doctryne, let hym 〈◊〉 hym self to the distru∣•••• of the bread and wyne: 〈◊〉 as he gueth the breade, 〈◊〉 hym breake it after the ••ample of Christ the shoulde eue the bread, and not thrust 〈◊〉 into the receauers mouthe. For the breaking of the bread Page  cxliiii hath a great misterie in it of y passion of Christ, in the whych hys bodye was broken for vs, and that is sygnyfyed in the breakyng of y breade, which in no case shuld be admitted: ther¦fore let the minister breake the round bread, for broken it ser∣ueth as a sacramente and not hole. Christ did breake ••. mat. x vi. Mar. xiiii. Luc. xii. And saynt Paule ayth: the breade that we break, is it not y com∣munion of Christes odye? i. Cor. x. Thus shuld the perfec∣ciō of Christes institucion be had in honour, and the memo∣rie of the dead left out, and no∣thing done in this sacramēt, y had not gods word to bear it. But alas God is accompted a foole, for men can vse the sa∣crament more religiously, de∣uoutly, Page  [unnumbered] godly, and christianly, then Christ Gods sonne, as it appeareth: for his fourme and maner is put oute, and mans deuyse, and wysdome is accep∣ted for it.