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Title:  Of domesticall duties eight treatises. I. An exposition of that part of Scripture out of which domesticall duties are raised. ... VIII. Duties of masters. By William Gouge.
Author: Gouge, William, 1578-1653.
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manner of a triumph. Their people all besprinkled with wa∣ter. Their superstitious houses must be the fairest buildings in a kingdome, and haue the greatest reuenues of a kingdome belonging to them: with the like. Dionysius Ioui Olympio au∣reum amicu∣lum detraxit, laneum substi∣tuens, non sine dicterio, laneum viz. ad vtram que anni tempe∣statem esse aptius.Is this glory fit for Christs spouse? belike then Christ hath carnall eies and eares: and is delighted with those things wherewith the world is delighted. The wiser among the heathen did scoffe at such base conceits which their people had of their gods. Shall Christians thinke more basely of Christ, then the heathen of their gods? Too much doe most people doat on outward worldly glory: euen so much as they neg∣lect true righteousnesse.For our parts as we desire to appeare before Christ so as he Vse. may thinke vs glorious, let vs be araied with righteousnesse & holinesse, without which no man shall see the Lord, Heb. 12. 14.§. 44. Of the fruition of Christs presence in heauen.EPHES. 5. 27.That he might present it to himselfe a glo∣rious Church, not hauing spot or wrinkle, or any such thing: but that it should be holy, and without blemish.HAuing noted the inference of this verse vpon the for∣mer: I will now handle it distinctly by it selfe. In it is contained a description of the glorious estate of the Church in heauen. Of that estate must this description be here meant, Ubicunque commemoraui ecclesiam non habentem ma∣culam aut ru∣gam, non sic accipiendum, quasi iam sit, sed quae praepa∣ratur vt sit, quando appa∣rebit gloriosa. Aug. Retract. l. 3. c. 18. for on earth it is not simply without spot or wrinkle: though it be prepared so to be.This estate is1. Generally propounded.2. Particularly exemplified. In the generall pro∣position is noted,1. Her condition (she is presented to Christ.)2. Her quality (glorious.) The particular exemplification thereof is1. Priuatiue, by remouing all deformity: noted in two words,Spot,Wrinkle. 2. Positiue, by adorning her with beauty: noted also in two words,Holy,Blamelesse. The word (present) is taken from the custome of solemni∣zing .0