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Title:  Of domesticall duties eight treatises. I. An exposition of that part of Scripture out of which domesticall duties are raised. ... VIII. Duties of masters. By William Gouge.
Author: Gouge, William, 1578-1653.
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§. 21. Of masters endeuouring the saluation of their seruants.That Iustice which is required of masters respecteth the soule, bodie, and estate of their seruants.In respect of their soules good, masters must seeke the spiri∣tuall I. Iusti patres se∣cundum haec temporalia bo∣na, filiorum sortem à seruo∣rum conditione distinguebant: ad Deum autem colendum, in quo aeterna bona speranda sunt, omnibus domus suae membris pari dilectione consulebant. Aug. de Ciu. Dei l. 19. c. 15. edification of their seruants. When Zacheus first beleeued, Christ said, Saluation is come to this house (Luk. 19. 9.) why to this house, rather then to this person, but because he knew that Zacheus would doe the dutie of a good master, and seeke the sal∣uation of his houshold? Herein must masters beare an impartiall respect to all in their house: as the holy Fathers, who though about temporall goods they put difference betwixt the place of children, and condition of seruants; yet in seruing God, where∣in eternall happinesse is looked for, they did with an equall re∣spect prouide for all the members of their house. The proofes alleadged for seruants obedience to masters care in this point, doe shew that this dutie appertaineth to masters. See Treat. 7. §. 15.The respect which masters owe to God, themselues, their ser∣uants, the Church, and Common-wealth where they liue, requi∣reth as much.1. God hath commanded as much (Deut. 6. 7.) as this charge implieth, Thou shalt talke of my Lawes when thou sittest in thine house: and God hath manifested his approbation thereof, by commending Abraham for commanding his children and house∣hold to keepe the way of the Lord, Gen. 18. 19.2. Masters themselues reape great benefit by a faithfull dis∣charge De salute eorum qui in domo tua sunt sollicitus, ac peruigil exi∣stas, quia pro omnibus tibi subiectis rationē Domino reddes. Aug. de salut. docum. cap. 29. of this dutie: and that both by discharging a good consci∣ence to God, (who requireth this at their hands, in that he hath made them prophets and priests in their house, as well as kings; and will require an account of them for all that are vnder their gouernment:) and also by bringing their seruants to doe more faithfull seruice to them. For there is no such meanes to stirre vp seruants to doe all good dutie, as the feare of God planted in their hearts. That seruant that shall finde true grace either first wrought, or further increased in him by his mastersmeanes, will thinke him selfe so beholding to such a master, as he shall neuer be able to make any sufficient recompence, & therefore will endeuour to do what good seruice he can in way of thankfulnes: he will not only be faithfull & diligent in his businesse, but he will call vpon God 0